部分信息检索 章信息检索基础知识1 1.1信息的概念1 1.2文献的类型2 1.2.1按出版形式划分2 1.2.2按加工层次划分6 1.3信息检索的意义和道德规范6 1.4信息检索的基本程序与方法7 1.4.1信息检索的基本程序7 1.4.2计算机信息检索技术9 题11 第2章中文数据库的检索方法12 2.1中国期刊网(中国期刊全文数据库)12 2.1.1简介12 2.1.2检索方法12 2.1.3检索结果处理18 2.2(维普)中文科技期刊数据库20 2.2.1简介20 2.2.2检索方法20 2.2.3检索结果处理24 2.3中国知网、万方数据库25 2.3.1中国知网25 2.3.2万方数据库26 2.4检索实例27 2.4.1检索实例127 2.4.2检索实例228 题30 第3章化学文摘(ca)及其检索方法31 3.1ca的简介31 3.1.1ca的概述31 3.1.2ca的特点31 3.1.3ca的出版形式31 3.2ca on cd的检索方法32 3.2.1检索界面32 3.2.2浏览检索32 3.2.3检索34 3.2.4化学物质等级名称检索37 3.2.5分子式检索39 3.2.6ca的著录格式40 3.2.7检索结果的显示和作42 3.2.8其他检索方式43 3.2.9检索策略的保存和调用44 3.3scifinder scholar数据库44 题45 第4章工程索引(ei)数据库的检索方法46 4.1ei的简介46 4.1.1ei发展的几个阶段46 4.1.2ei的特点46 4.1.3ei的收录范围46 4.2ei village工程索引数据库的检索方法47 4.2.1快速检索47 4.2.2专家检索51 4.2.3词表检索52 4.3检索结果的处理53 4.4检索实例54 题57 第5章专利文献的查阅方法58 5.1专利基础概论58 5.1.1专利的概念58 5.1.2专利的特点58 5.1.3专利的类型59 5.1.4专利申请流程60 5.1.5国际专利分类法61 5.1.6专利说明书的内容61 5.2知识产权局65 5.3esp@ce专利数据库66 5.4大学中外专利数据库69 题69 第2部分英语阅读 unit onegeneral chemical engineering70 lesson 1chemical engineering70 rea materialwhat is chemical engineering73 lesson 2traditional paradigms of chemical engineering75 rea materiala new paradigm for chemical engineering77 lesson 3unit operations78 rea materialclassification of unit operations and transport processes80 lesson 4new technologies in unit operations82 rea materialrange and choice of separations85unit twounit operations and transport processes (ⅰ)88 lesson 5filtration88 rea materialtypes of filtration equipment90 lesson 6heat transfer92 rea materialclassification of heat transfer equipment95 lesson 7absorption of gases97 rea materialprincipal types of absorption equipment99 lesson 8distillation operations100 rea materialazeotropic and extractive distillation103 unit threeunit operations and transport processes (ⅱ)105 lesson 9solvent extraction105 rea materialthe industrial applications of liquid.liquid extraction107 lesson 10drying of solids109 rea materialequipment for drying111 lesson 11packed towers113 rea materialfundamentals of ming115 lesson 12momentum, heat, and mass transfer116 rea materialtheory of mass transfer between two phases119unit fourchemical technologies121 lesson 13the harber process for ammonia synthesis121 rea materialabout sulfuric acid123 lesson 14petroleum125 rea materialpetroleum engineering128 lesson 15materials science129 rea materialproduction and applications of hydrogen132 lesson 16chemical process safety133 rea materialgovernment regulations in industrial hygiene135unit fivesystematic engineering137 lesson 17nt design and general considerations137 rea materialoptimization in nt design139 lesson 18steady.state process modeling141 rea materialstrategies for process control and estimation143 lesson 19process reactor design144 rea materialclassification of reactors146 lesson 20puter.assisted design of new processes148 rea materialprocess design in the 21st century151 unit sixbiochemical engineering153 lesson 21bioengineering153 rea materialthe water we drink155 lesson 22geic engineering157 rea materialhow to turn an egg white white159 lesson 23how we digest carbohydrates160 rea materialenzymes production162 unit sevencatalysis and environmental protection164 lesson 24measurement of adsorption on catalyst surface164 rea materialcatalytic cracking166 lesson 25catalysis for environmentally benign processing168 rea materialcatalysts for industrial processes171 lesson 26green house effect173 rea materialenvironmental problem of cfc(chlorofluorocarbon)176 lesson 27membranes in chemical processing177 rea materialmembranes for separation process180 unit eightapplied chemistry183 lesson 28nomenclature of chemical pounds183 rea materialnomenclature of inorganic pounds185 lesson 29detergents,micelles and colloids186 rea materialthe most important polymer of all189 lesson 30gas and liquid chromatography191 rea materialpoisons and the poisoning of organic pounds193 lesson 31batchwise and continuous reaction194 rea materialthe cstr and tubular reactor197 unit ninemiscellaneous200 lesson 32definitions of acid and base200 rea materialintroduction of corporations203 lesson 33how broad is your patent claim?204 rea materiala patent:benzene removal from hydrocarbon streams207 lesson 34consolidating china’s cpi208 rea materialparing patent law in china and the u.s.211 lesson 35call for papers for acs national meetings213 rea materialinstructions for contributors215