10 altimeter and velocimeter-/optical-aided inertial navigation technology
11 simulation testing techniques for autonomous navigation based on multi-source information fusion
12 prospect for multi-source information fusion navigation
thi book introduce reader to the fundamental of etimation and dynamical ytem theoryand their application in the field of multiource information fued autonomou navigation for pacecraft.the content i divided into two part:theory and application.the theory part(part i)cover the mathematical background of navigation algorithm deigninclu parameter and tate etimate methodlinear fuioncentralized and ditributed fuionobervability analyimonte carlo technologyand linear covariance analyi.in turnthe application part(part ii)focue on autonomou navigation algorithm deign for different phae of deep pace miionwhich involve multiple enoruch a inertial meaurement unitoptical image enorand pular detector.by concentrating on the relationhi between etimation theory and autonomou navigation ytem for pacecraftthe book bridge the gap between theory and practice.a wealth of helpful formula and variou type of etimator are alo included to help reader grap baic etimation concept and offer them a ready reference guide.