preface to the reissue of the materials characterization series preface to series preface to the reissue of characterization ofpolymers preface contributors polymer structures and synthesis methods 1.1 introduction 1.2 chain structures in natural and syntheticpolymers the nature ofpolymeric materials l, the ition of polymericmaterials 3, molecularweightandltsdistribution 11, polymerchainconfigurations 12,polymerchainconformations 14, polymer solidtate struaure, morphology, and transitions 15, polymer surface struaure 1.3polymersynthesis chainreactionpolymerization 21, coordinationpolymerization 24, step reactionpolymerization 1.4 summary polymer fabrication techniques 2.1 introduction 2.2 processingtechniques foamprocessing 31, film-formingprocesses 31, ites 32, extrusion 34, mol 35, coatings 36, othermethods 2.3 applications development of spray-on insulation for the thermal protection system of the external tankin the space shuttle program 37, development of thick, thin, and ultrathin polyimide films 40, langmuir-blodgett (l-b)films 47,polymerites 49, molprocesses 55, fiber drawing and surface modification processes chemical ition ofpolymers 3.1 introduction 3.2 chemicalition:questions toask 3.3 techniques for determination ofchemical ition: what to use to ask the questions 3.4 illustrative examples ofcharacterization ofchemical itionofpolymers stoichiometry 72, functionaliry 73, phaseseparation 80, surface modification 81, interfachemicalition 83, impurities 3.5 summary: new horizons characterization of the morphology ofpolymer surfaces,interfaces, and thin films by microscopy techniques 4.1 0verviewofpolymerlnterfaces andthin films 4.2 introductiontomicroscopytechniques 4.3 0pticalmicroscopy 4.4 scanningelectronmicroscopy low-voltage high-resolution scanning electron microscopy environmental scanning electron microscopy 4.5 transmission electronmicroscopy 4.6 scanningprobemicroscopy 4.7 newmicroscopies structure and morphology of interfaces and thin films by scattering techniques 5.1 introduction 5.2 industriaiapplications adhesion 122, biomedicaiapplications 124, langmuir-blodgett films and otherthin films 5.3 integratedopticsmethod wave-gui 127, nonlinearopticaimethod 5.4 rflectivity 5.5 grazingincidencex-rayscattering surface thermodynamics 6.1 introduction 150 6.2 theory of wetting, sprea, and adhesion 151 6.3 experimental methods 154 contact angles 154, adsorption and calorimetry 157, inverse gas chromatography 162, infrared (ftir) spectroscopy 164 surface modification ofpolymers 7.1 introduction 169 7.2 wet-chemical modification ofpolymer surfaces 171 surface roughening and see in cing operations 171, surface treatment for bondability 173, surface treatment using adhesion promoters 175, surface modification by photochemical methods 177 7.3 dry modification techniques 179 modification by high- and low-energy ion beams 179, sma modification ofpolymer surfaces 187, other dry treatment techniques 191 7.4 summary 192 adhesion 8.1 introduction 198 8.2 physical meaning of adhesion 200 8.3 theoretical analysis of adhesion 200 8.4 experimental measurement of adhesion 203 8.5 standardization of test procedure 205 8.6 locus of failure 205 8.7 key adhesion issues 207 8.8 illustrative examples 208 8.9 summary 209 chemistry, reactivity, and fracture ofpolymer interfaces 9.1 introduction 215 9.2 polyimide structure and properties 218 9.3polymer-polymer interfaces 222 9.4 metal-polymer interfaces 224 9.5polymer-metal interfaces 230 9.6 thermal stress and interfa fracture 234 thepolymer-polymer interface 10.1 introduction 244 10.2 techniques for measuring diffusion distances much greater than molecular size 247 10.3 techniques for measuring concentration profiles on the order of molecular size 252 10.4 summary 259 friction and wear (tribology) 11.1 introduction 262 11.2 basic concepts 263 11.3 tribological applications 264 11.4 mechanisms of friction and wear 265 friction 266, wear 268 11.5 correlation of properties with friction and wear 269 energy-to-rupture and abrasive wear 269, cohesive energy and abrasive wear 271, ratio of applied stress to failure strength and wear 271, molecular weight and wear 271, crystallinity and wear 273, loss tangent and friction 273, closure 274 11.6 measurement of friction and wear 274 astm laboratory tests 276, designing laboratory tests 284 11.7 reporting and interpretation of measurements 291 11.8 summary 293 references for future study 295 index 311