part 1 guest reception 顾客接待 unit 1 accepting a reservation for a table 接受单桌预订 unit 2 accepting a reservation for a banquet 接受宴会预订 unit 3 declining a reservation form a guset 客满拒绝预订 unit 4 telling service time to a guest 向顾客介绍营业时间 unit 5 showing a guest to the table 顾客入座 unit 6 asking a guest to wait 请顾客等候 part 2 pre-meal services 餐前服务 unit 1 taking orders 接受点菜 unit 2 remen spe dishes 特菜 unit 3 serving wines and drinks 酒水服务 unit 4 accepting spe demands 接受特殊要求 unit 5 taking a breakfast service 受理早餐服务 unit 6 taking a lunch service 受理午餐服务 part 3 serving during a meal 席间服务 unit 1 serving chinese food 中国餐服务 unit 2 serving foreign food 外国餐服务 unit 3 serving dishes 上菜服务 unit 4 supplying spices 提供香料 unit 5 ening menus for a guest 向顾客解释菜单 unit 6 ening meal etiquette 讲解用餐礼节 part 4 t-meal services 餐后服务 unit 1 settling bills 结账服务 unit 2 ening tax and service charges 解释税率和服务费 unit 3 helping a guest look for a lost article 帮顾客寻找失物 unit 4 handling ints about food 接受对食物的投诉 unit 5 handling ints about services 接受对服务的投诉 unit 6 apologizing and replying 道歉与应答 unit 7 asking a guest for ments 向顾客收集意见 part 5 spe services unit 1 chafing dish services 火锅服务 unit 2 coffee services 咖啡服务 unit 3 tea services 饮茶服务 unit 4 kfc services 肯德基服务 unit 5 buffet services 自助餐服务 unit 6 fast-food services 快餐服务 unit 7 delivery services 外送服务