章 神话伊甸园与节揭秘 the creation of universe the garden of eden figures in greek mythology the origin of christmas the history of halloween the history of thanksgiving day the history of valentines day the history of easter the history of fathers day the history of mothers day the origin of april fools day 第二章 西方地理民族政法拾贝 hawaii an outline of australia connecticut the oldest citizens of north america the chained immigrants american fever 10 downing street birth of the red cross lincolns death the death of john f. kennedy how to elect a us president small claims court in america green cards and international students in job-hunting 第三章 美术摄影建筑天地 leonardo da vinci an impressionist―vincent van gogh the interesting life of pablo picasso grandma moses sam higgins―an excellent photographer new york institute of photography the national gallery …… 第四章 名人 第五章 人文典籍 第六章 服饰与饮食 第七章 时尚名品和企业家一瞥 第八章 电影流派与表演之花 第九章 音乐与体育的殿堂 第十章 轰轰烈烈的网络