contents chapter i introduction jianguo du and ucu yanu arbi 1.1 background of the study areas 1.2 the cooperation project 1.3 investigation areas in north sulawesi references chapter ii geographical and hydrological condition aijun pan,deny sutisna,weibo wang,wu zhou,edi kusmanto,m hasanudin,kai li and mingzhang zeng 2.1 geomorphology of north sulawesi sea 2.2 the field observations and subsurface mooring system (sms) 2.3 water mass features in southern and northern lembeh strait 2.4 current characteristics 2.5 conclusions references chapter iii mangrove ecosystem guangcheng chen,sastro pramudji,i wayan eka dharmawan,hadiyanto,junhui lin,heshan lin,indra aswandy,erna widyastuti and rianta pratiwi 3.1 introduction 3.2 mangrove munities in kema,pintu kota and likupang 3.3 benthos diversity in kema,teremaal,likupang and wori 3.4 soil environments in kema and north minahasa mangroves 3.5 conclusions references chapter iv seagrass ecosystem jianguo du,udhi eko hernawan,teguh peristiwady,shunyang chen,muhamad husni azkab,i wayan eka dharmawan,junhui lin,ucu yanu arbi,heshan lin,petrus christianus makatipu,nqing zheng and jianji liao 4.1 introduction 4.2 soil environment in seagrass meadows 4.3 seagrass diversity in north sulawesi 4.4 benthos diversity in seagrass meadows 4.5 fish diversity in seagrass meadows 4.6 food source of seagrass fishes and benthos 4.7 conclusions references chapter v coral reef ecosystem suharsono,jianguo du,tri aryono,wentao niu,petrus makatipu,teguh peristiwady,danyun ou,aofeng shi and jianji liao 5.1 introduction 5.2 coral diversity in lembeh strait 5.3 sponge diversity in lembeh strait 5.4 reef fish diversity in lembeh strait 5.5 geic diversity of fishes and bacterium 5.6 food web of coral reef ecosystem in lembeh strait 5.7 conclusions references chapter vi nearshore pelagic ecosystem muswerry,senming tang,zhiyuan ma,ricardo huwae,baohong chen,hanif budiprayitno,yanguo wang,nurul fitriya,hikmah thoha,arief rachman and haifeng gu 6.1 introduction 6.2 water chemistry 6.3 time series parameters from eco-buoy 6.4 micro-phytonkton distribution in lembeh strait 6.5 phytonkton ition in north sulawesi 6.6 zoonkton diversity in north sulawesi 6.7 conclusions references chapter vii summary bin chen and dirhamsyah 7.1 mangrove ecosystem 7.2 coral ecosystem 7.3 seagrass ecosystem 7.4 nearshore pelagic ecosystem 7.5 ments and suggestions appendix i species list a.i-1 species list of true mangrove and mangrove association in north sulawesi a.i-2 species list of mangrove benthos in north sulawesi a.i-3 species list of seagrass in north sulawesi a.i-4 species list of seagrass benthos in north sulawesi a.i-5 species list of seagrass fish in north sulawesi a.i-6 species list of coral in lembeh strait a.i-7 species list of sponge in lembeh strait a.i-8 species list of reef fish in north sulawesi a.i-9 species list of phytonkton and potentially harmful algae in lembeh strait a.i-10 species list of zoonkton in north sulawesi a.i-11 species list of transitory nkton in north sulawesi appendix ii atlas a.ii-1 atlas of mon mangrove in north sulawesi a.ii-2 atlas of mon seagrass in lembeh strait a.ii-3 atlas of seagrass benthos in north sulawesi a.ii-4 atlas of mon corals in lembeh strait a.ii-5 atlas of mon sponges in lembeh strait a.ii-6 atlas of reef fishes in north sualwesi a.ii-7 atlas of phytonkton in lembeh strait a.ii-8 atlas of mon zoonkton in north sulawesi appendix iii working photos a.iii-1 conferences,discussions and others interior working photos a.iii-2 monitoring,sampling and others outside working photos
苏拉威西海亦称西里伯斯海。东南亚海域。在棉兰老岛、加里曼丹岛、苏拉威西岛等岛屿与桑吉群岛之间。属太洋。北界苏禄群岛、苏禄海和民答那峨岛;东连桑吉列岛;南接西里伯斯岛;西邻婆罗洲。 bin chen、dirhamyah编的marine ecoytem of north ulawei indoneia(精)介绍了其北部苏拉威西的海洋生态系统。