foreword acknowledgements acronyms and abbreviations executive summary 1. two dragons go to the sea 2. shifting conifer ntations towards close-to-nature forests 3. growing a close-to-nature forest ofcastanois hystrix 4. growing a close-to-nature forest of michelia macclurei 5. betula alnoides and castanois hystrix mixed-species uneven-aged forest 6. erythrophleum fordii and pinus massoniana mixed-species forest clusters 7. the restoration of degraded subtropical forest 8. the rehabilitation of degraded subtropical karst ecosystems introduetion 1. the experimental center of tropical forestry 2. the pingang rosewood market 3. chinas reforestation programme 4. the ectfs multifunctional, close-to-nature forest research case study 1: two dragons go to the sea 1. background 2. the experimental site 3. the management model 4. benefits case study 2: shifting conifer ntations towards close-to-nature forests 1. background 2. the experimental site 3. the management model 4. benefits case study 3: growing a close-to-nature forest of castanois hystrix 1. background 2. the experimental site 3. the management model 4. benefits case study 4: growing a close-to-nature forest of michelia macclurei 1. background 2. the experimental site 3. the management model 4. benefits case study 5: betula alnoides and castanois hystrix mixed-species uneven-aged forest 1. background 2. the experimental site 3. the managementmodel 4. benefits case study 6: erythrophleum fordii and pinus massoniana mixed-species forest clusters 1. background 2. the experimental site 3. the management model 4. benefits case study 7: the restoration of degraded subtropical forest 1. background 2. the restoration model 3. restoration practice 4. status case study 8: the rehabilitation of degraded subtropical karst ecosystems 1. background 2. the restoration model 3. status conclusion