part 1 英语发音入门 part 2 旅游基础词汇 01∣基础数字 numbers 02∣计量单位 unit of measurement 03∣时间期 time & date 04∣天气季节 weather & season 05∣方位方向 direction 06∣机场设施 airport facility 07∣出入境手续 entry & et procedure 08∣道路标识 road markings 09∣交通工具 vehicles 10∣逛街购物 shopping 11∣衣着打扮 dressing 12∣兴趣爱好 hobby 13∣数码产品 digital products 14∣宾馆住宿 hotel 15∣酒水饮料 drinks 16∣美味甜品 desserts part 3 旅途中临时应急的一句话 01∣在机场 at the airport 02∣在飞机上 on the ne 03∣入境 at the customs 04∣领取行李 baggage claim 05∣问路 ask the way 06∣公共交通 public transportation 07∣购物 shopping 08∣品尝美食 food 09∣接打电话 phone call 10∣在酒店 at the hotel 11∣在税店 at the duty-free shop 12∣观光游览 sightseeing 13∣异域风情 exoticism 14∣休闲娱乐 entertainment 15∣紧急情况 emergency 16∣在医院 at the hospital part 4 旅途中常遇到的场景 section 1 整装待发 01∣出行攻略 travel n 02∣签证申请 visa application 03∣预订机票 book tickets 04∣登机出境 boar 05∣行李打包 pack up luggage 06∣兑换货币 currency exchange section 2 交通出行 01∣乐享巴士 by bus 02∣的士速递 by ta 03∣地铁快节奏 by subway 04∣火车出行 by train 05∣国外租车 rent a car section 3 温馨住宿 01∣客房预订 room reservation 02∣登记入住 check in 03∣客房设施 room supply 04∣客房服务 room service 05∣抱怨投诉 int 06∣结算退房 check out section 4 外出餐 01∣预订餐位 book seats 02∣美味佳肴 order dishes 03∣食物打包 pack up 04∣结账付款 pay a bill 05∣品尝快餐 fast food section 5 轻松购物 01∣靓装美鞋 clothes & shoes 02∣美妆产品 cosmetics 03∣珠宝首饰 jewels 04∣纪念特产 souvenirs 05∣税 duty-free goods 06∣讲价付款 bargain & payment 07∣退货换货 exchange & refund section 6 便民服务 01∣拨打电话 make a phone call 02∣理发烫发 at the hairdresser 03∣洁净洗衣 at the laundry 04∣银行服务 at the bank 05∣邮寄物品 at the t office 06∣油行万里 at the gas station section 7 休闲娱乐 01∣比赛盛事 sports 02∣激情漂流 drifting 03∣疯狂游乐场 yground 04∣酒吧特 pub 05∣影音娱乐 movie & music section 8 观光游览 01∣名胜古迹 historical sites 02∣户外登山 mountain climbing 03∣海滩休闲 beach 04∣艺术展览 exhibition 05∣亲近动物 at zoo section 9 出现意外 01∣迷路问路 ask the way 02∣语言不通 language barrier 03∣紧急求救 help 04∣有病求医 see a doctor 05∣丢失与遭 lost & stolen 06∣遭遇车祸 traffic accident section 10 返程回国 01∣航班延误 flight delay 02∣商品报关 clearance of goods 03∣申请退税 tax refund 04∣行李托运 luggage checking 05∣告别亲友 say goodbye