作者 Dennis Wackerly、William Mendenhall、Richard Scheaffer 著
出版社 Cengage Learning
出版时间 2007-11
版次 7
ISBN 9780495385080
定价 583.30元
装帧 平装
页数 880页
正文语种 英语
In their bestselling MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS WITH APPLICATIONS, premiere authors Dennis Wackerly, William Mendenhall, and Richard L. Scheaffer present a solid foundation in statistical theory while conveying the relevance and importance of the theory in solving practical problems in the real world. The authors' use of practical applications and excellent exercises helps you discover the nature of statistics and understand its essential role in scientific research.
1. What Is Statistics? 2. Probability. 3. Discrete Random Variables and Their Probability Distributions. 4. Continuous Random Variables and Their Probability Distributions. 5. Multivariate Probability Distributions. 6. Functions of Random Variables. 7. Sampling Distributions and the Central Limit Theorem. 8. Estimation. 9. Properties of Point Estimators and Methods of Estimation. 10. Hypothesis Testing. 11. Linear Models and Estimation by Least Squares. 12. Considerations in Designing Experiments. 13. The Analysis of Variance. 14. Analysis of Categorical Data. 15. Nonparametric Statistics. 16. Introduction to Bayesian Methods for Inference. Appendix 1. Matrices and Other Useful Mathematical Results. Matrices and Matrix Algebra. Addition of Matrices. Multiplication of a Matrix by a Real Number. Matrix Multiplication. Identity Elements. The Inverse of a Matrix. The Transpose of a Matrix. A Matrix Expression for a System of Simultaneous Linear Equations. Inverting a Matrix. Solving a System of Simultaneous Linear Equations. Other Useful Mathematical Results. Appendix 2. Common Probability Distributions, Means, Variances, and Moment-Generating Functions. Discrete Distributions. Continuous Distributions. Appendix 3. Tables. Binomial Probabilities. Table of e-x. Poisson Probabilities. Normal Curve Areas. Percentage Points of the t Distributions. Percentage Points of the F Distributions. Distribution of Function U. Critical Values of T in the Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs, Signed-Ranks Test. Distribution of the Total Number of Runs R in Sample Size (n1,n2); P(R < a). Critical Values of Pearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient. Random Numbers. Answer to Exercises. Index.