How loud can you burp? Could we use animal poo to make electricity? Why is water wet, and is anything wetter than water? What's the deadliest disease in the world? What are clouds for? What's the difference between a brain and a computer? This is a wonderfully funny and informative book which helps us take a fresh look at the world (and universe) we live in, with no boring bits and an abundance of fascinating facts!
Glenn Murphy works at the Science Museum, he recruits, trains and oversees the management of the 75-strong team of dynamic, bubbly science communicators who perform shows and interact with the public on the galleries. He also writes content for science shows and training programmes, consults on museum publications targeted at child audiences (recent examples being How To Be An Astronaut and How To Be A Brain Surgeon ), and writes scripts for Explainer appearances on television and radio. He lives in South-West London with his wife, Heather, and a very large and ill-tempered cat.