With his extensive background in both child development and the impact of technology, Dr. Rosen?uses down-to-earth explanations of sound psychological theory, incorporates groundbreaking research, and shows parents and educators how social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook can improve adolescent socialization skills.
LARRY D. ROSEN?is a professor of psychology at California State University and is the co-author of Technostress. He is an international expert on the psychology of technology, writes for The National Psychologist, and has been featured in USA Today, Newsweek, on Good Morning America, CNN, and more. He lives in San Diego, California.
Living in a Virtual World The MySpace Generation Real People in Virtual Relationships Me, MySpace, and I Virtually Exposed Sex and the Media Just a Few More Minutes, Mom MySpace and Your Family Hate Mail Proactive Parenting: Teaching Your Children to Look Both Ways in Cyberspace