Insider advice on avoiding the crowds as you explore some ofParis′s greatest gems, from the Louvre to the Eiffel Tower. Plustips for exploring some of Paris′s more offbeat sights, from theeerie Catacombs to the avant–garde Palais de Tokyo museum.
Where to find everything from the coolest neo–bistros to the mostgourmet Michelin–starred French restaurants. Plus, recommendationsfor the hippest wine bars and the best food markets, from theMarché d′Aligre to the grand, upscale food halls of Fauchon.
Insightful commentary on Paris′s dazzling array of art andarchitectural masterpieces, from the Cathedrale de Notre–Dame tothe Arc de Triomphe, and from Rodin′s The Thinker to Da Vinci′sMona Lisa.
Opinionated reviews. No bland descriptions and lukewarmrecommendations. Our expert writers are passionate about theirdestinations––they tell it like it is in an engaging and helpfulway.
Exact prices listed for every establishment and activity––noother guides offer such detailed, candid reviews of hotels andrestaurants. We include the very best, but also emphasizemoderately priced choices for real people.