For the past six years, Matty has lived in Village and flourished under the guidance of Seer, a blind man, known for his special sight. Village was a place that welcomed newcomers, but something sinister has seeped into Village and the people have voted to close it to outsiders. Matty has been invaluable as a messenger. Now he must make one last journey through the treacherous forest with his only weapon, a power he unexpectedly discovers within himself.
Lois Lowry is known for her versatility and invention as a writer. She was born in Hawaii and grew up in New York, Pennsylvania, and Japan. After several years at Brown University, she turned to her family and to writing. She is the author of more than thirty books for young adults, including the popular Anastasia Krupnik series. She has received countless honors, among them the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award, the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award, the California Young Reader's Medal, and the Mark Twain Award. She received Newbery Medals for two of her novels, NUMBER THE STARS and THE GIVER. Her first novel, A SUMMER TO DIE, was awarded the International Reading Association's Children's Book Award. Ms. Lowry now divides her time between Cambridge and an 1840s farmhouse in Maine.
洛伊丝·劳里,1937年3月出生于夏威夷,父亲在军中担任牙医,他们一家人也随着军队迁移世界各地。二次大战期间,她住在外祖父母位于宾州的老家,十一岁到上高中之前,则在日本度过。后来她进布朗大学就读,但只修完两年课程便结婚了,直到生完四个孩子后才重拾学业,从南缅因大学毕业。 洛伊丝·劳里的写作生涯起步较晚,四十岁时才尝试完成小时候的梦想——当一名作家。结果却一鸣惊人,如今她不但是世界知名的作家,还获得两次纽伯瑞金牌奖的肯定。除了写作儿童小说、短篇故事,她也撰写评论、专业的论文。 她的写作素材非常广泛,风格多样,有生活幽默小说《阿纳斯塔西亚 克鲁布尼克》(Anastasia Krupnik)、谈战争与屠杀的《数星星》(Numbm the stars)、描写未来乌托邦社会的《记忆传授人》(The Giver),此外还有涉及收养、精神疾病、癌症等议题的二十多本著作,堪称是一位多才、多变的作家。