The Alington Inheritance: A Miss Silver Mystery(7品36开页黄封面撕裂有破损缺损缺角封底缺角参看书影1990年英文原版310页阿灵顿的遗产:银小姐的悬疑故事)5918139
The Alington Inheritance: A Miss Silver Mystery(7品36开页黄封面撕裂有破损缺损缺角封底缺角参看书影1990年英文原版310页阿灵顿的遗产:银小姐的悬疑故事)59181 When a question of inheritance turns fatal, Miss Silver searches for the killer
Jenny has never been one to feel sorry for herself. The illegitimate child of a wealthy man and a statureless woman, she has been an orphan since before she can remember. It is a hard life made bearable only by the kindness of her guardian, an old woman named Miss Garstone, who has always treated Jenny as her own. Struck down by a motorist, “Garsty” dies, whispering to Jenny that her parents were actually married, and she is the rightful heir to the Alington fortune. Miss Garstone was not the only one who knew the secret, and as Jenny grieves, her wealthy cousins work to protect their fortune. When the quiet conflict turns deadly, governess-turned-detective Miss Silver is the only one who can unravel the perplexing family saga.当继承权问题导致命案时,西尔弗小姐开始寻找凶手 珍妮从未自怜过。她是一个富和一个身份低微的女人的私生女,从记事起就是孤儿。她艰难的生活只因守护她的老妇人加斯通小姐善良才得以忍受。加斯通小姐一直把珍妮当作自己的孩子。被司机撞倒后,“加斯蒂”去世了,但她告诉妮,她的父母其实是有过婚姻的,她是阿灵顿财产的合法继承人。知道这个秘密的不止加斯通小姐一个人,当妮沉浸在悲痛中时,她富有的表亲们正忙着保护他们的财产。当平静的冲突变成致命的危险时,从家庭教师行做侦探的西尔弗小姐是唯一能解开这个复杂的家族故事的人。 派翠西亚·温渥斯 免费编辑 添加义项名 添加义项 派翠西亚·温渥斯,1877年生于印度,1961逝于英国,是英国著名侦探小说作家