This is the first volume of North Atlantic Books’ hardcoveredition of Dale Pendell's Pharmako trilogy, an encyclopedic studyof the history and uses of psychoactive plants and relatedsynthetics first published between 1995 and 2005. The books form aninterrelated suite of works that provide the reader with a unique,reliable, and often personal immersion in this medically,culturally, and spiritually fascinating subject. All three booksare beautifully designed and illustrated, and are written withunparalleled authority, erudition, playfulness, and range.
Pharmako/Poeia: Plant Powers, Poisons, and Herbcraft focuses onfamiliar psychoactive plant-derived substances and relatedsynthetics, ranging from the licit (tobacco, alcohol) to theillicit (cannabis, opium) and the exotic (absinthe, salviadivinorum, nitrous oxide). Each substance is explored in detail,not only with information on its history, pharmacology,preparation, and cultural and esoteric correspondences, but alsothe subtleties of each plant's effect on consciousness in a waythat only poets can do. The whole concoction is sprinkled withabundant quotations from famous writers, creating a literary brewas intoxicating as its subject.
The Pharmako series is continued in Pharmako/Dynamis (focusing onstimulants and empathogens) and Pharmako/Gnosis (which addressespsychedelics and shamanic plants).
Plant student Dale Pendell established himself as one of theforemost popular exponents of shamanic ethnobotany with hisunprecedented Pharmako trilogy. A noted poet, he was the foundingeditor of the avant-garde magazine Kuksu and a co-founder of thePrimitive Arts Institute and has led workshops on ethnobotany andethnopoetics for the Naropa Institute and the Omega Institute.Pendell was part of the Oracular Madness theme camp at Burning Manfor a number of years (his book Inspired Madness: The Gifts ofBurning Man was published by Frog Books in 2006). Also anexperienced computer scientist, he lives in California's Sierrafoothills.
Foreword author Gary Snyder is well known as a PulitzerPrize-winning poet and Beat-era associate of Jack Kerouac and AllenGinsberg and as a pioneering environmental thinker andactivist.