Chpater 1 Linguistics-A Pilot Science 1.1 Why Study Linguistics? 1.2 What Is Language? 1.3 Origin of Langurage 1.4 Design Features of Language 1.5 Animal Communication Systems,Gesture and Other Langruage Forms 1.6 Perspectives of Language Studies 1.7 Functions of Language 1.8 Important Distioncaions inf Linguistics 1.9 Data of Linguistics 1.10 Status and Prospect of Linguistics Refereces Chpater 2 Phonetics …… Chpater 3 Phonology Chpater 4 Morphology Chpater 5 Generative Sytax Chpater 6 Functional Sytax Chpater 7 Semantics Chpater 8 Linguistic Comparison Chpater 9 Language,Culture,and Society Chpater 10 Psycholinguistics Chpater 11 Pranmatics Chpater 12 Stylistics Chpater 13 Computational Linguistics Chpater 14 Second Language Acquisition Chpater 15 Linguistics and Second Language Teaching Chpater 16 Modern Therorises and Schools of Linguistics Index