书名:EXPERIMENTAL MANUAL IN MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 编号:482954 ISBN:9787307065345[十位:] 作者:YU Hong Huang Xinxiang 出版社:武汉大学出版社 出版日期:2008年01月 页数:194 定价:22.00 元 参考重量:0.310Kg ------------------------- 新旧程度:6-9成新左右,不影响阅读,详细情况请咨询店主 如图书附带、磁带、学习卡等请咨询店主是否齐全
* 图书目录 *
Chapter Ⅰ Spectrophotometry 1.1 Basic Concepts and Principle of Spectrophotometry 1.2 Measurement..of Light Absorption 1.3 Aplications of Spectrophotometry EXP.1 Quantitative Analysis of Protein EXP.2 Determination of Blood Glucose
Chapter Ⅱ Electrophoresis 2.1 Basic Principles of EIectr0Dhoresis 2.2 lmpact Factors of EIectrophoresis 2.3 Detection of Components after Electrophoretic Separation 2.4 Special Electrophoretic Techniques and Applications EXP.3 Separation of Serum Proteins by Cellulose Acetate Membrane Electrophoresis EXP.4 Separation of Serum Lipoproteins by Agarose Gel Electrophoresis EXP.5 Proteins Separation by SDS·Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
Chapter Ⅲ Chromatography 3.1 Fundamental Principles of Chromatography 3.2 Commonly Used Chromatographic Techniques EXP.6 Detecting Transamination of Amino Acids by Paper Chromatography EXP.7 Separation of Mixed Amino Acids by Cation Exchange Chromatography EXP.8 Separation of Hemoglobin and Dinitrophenyl(DNP)一glutamate by Gel Filtration Chromatography
Chapter Ⅳ Enzyme Analysis 4.1 The Activity of Enzyme 4.2 Enzyme kinetics(Factors affecting reaction velocity) 4.3 Enzymatic analysis EXP.9 Assay the Activity of Alanine Aminotransferase(ALT)in Serum(Mohun’S Method) EXP.10 Lactate Dehydrogenase(LDH)Analysis EXP.1 1 Effect of Substrate Concentration on Enzyme Activity-Determining Km Value for Alkaline Phosphatase EXP.1 2 Coupled enzymatic reaction assay(EnzymaticEndpoint Method)- Determination of Total Cholesterol,Triglycerides and Glucose in Serum
Chapter Ⅴ solation and Purification of Protein 5.1 Methods and Basic Principles of Protein Purification 5.2 Procedure of Protein Preparation 5.3 Crystallization,Concentration,Drying and Storage of Protein 5.4 ldentification and Analysis of Protein EXP.13 Isolation and Identification of Serum IgG EXP.14 Expression.Puriftcation and Identification of Glutathione S-Transferase Fusion Protein
Chapter Ⅵ solation,Purification and Identification of Nucleic Acids 6.1 lsolation and Purification of Nucleic Acids 6.2 Identiflcation and Analysis of Nucleic Acids EXP.1 5 Isolation of Eukaryotic Genomic DNA by Proteinase K.Phenol or NaI Method EXP.16 SDS.Alkaline Lysis of Plasmid DNA EXP.17 Isolation of Total RNA bv TRIzol Reagent EXP.18 Identification of DNA by UV-Spectrophotometry and Gel Eleetrophoresis EXP.19 Identification of RNA by UV-Spectmphotometry and Formaldehyde Denaturating Agarose Gel Electrophoresis EXP.20 Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR)and Reverse Transcription-PCR Chapte Ⅶ Genetic Engineering 7.1 The Process of Gene Cloning 7.2 Enzyrues for Gene Cloning 7.3 Vectors for Gene Cloning 7.4 Expression of Fo reign Genes and Purification of Recombinant Proteins EXP.21 DNA Cloning EXP.22 Expression of Exogenous Gene in E.coli and Purification of the Expressional Product