把那句话给我收回去!Take that back! 168 白痴!You idiot! 8 半斤八两!Six of one, a half dozen of the other! 57 包在我身上!I got it! 90 保重!Take care! 8 抱歉。My bad. 8 甭想这件事了!Kiss it goodbye! 121 彼此彼此!Same here! 57 闭嘴!Shut up! 9 别!No! 1 别把人当傻子!Don’t insult my intelligence! 121 别扯我后腿!Don’t hold me back! 90 别逞厉害了!Don’t overdo yourself! 92 别多嘴!Don’t be a blabbermouth! 24 别搞砸了!Don’t spoil it! 58 别跟我顶嘴!Don’t talk back! 92 别管我!Don’t mind me! 25 别过早下结论!Don’t jump to conclusions! 122 别胡说!Stop joking around! 25 别灰心!Don’t give up! 25 别老土了!Don’t be so old school! 58 别磨蹭!Hurry up! 26 别牛了!Don’t brag! 26 别碰我!Don’t touch me! 27 别惹我,今天心情不好。Don’t piss me off. I’m in a bad mood today. 168 别伤我心啊!Don’t break my heart! 91 别太嚣张!Enough with the arrogance! 58 别淘气!Behave! 26 别提这件事啊!Don’t bring it up! 122 别瞎想了!Stop thinking about it! 59 别想开溜!Don’t even think about sneaking out! 59 别小题大做了!Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill! 122 别笑死人了!You’re killing me! 91 别再发牢骚了!Stop nagging! 123 别这么见外嘛!Make yourself at home! 123 别这样!Don’t! 27 别转移话题!Don’t change the subject! 91 别装蒜!As if you didn’t know! 27 别自我陶醉了!Don’t be a narcissist! 123 别自找苦吃!Don’t ride for a fall! 92 不必跟她一般见识。No need to be offended. 157 不必了。No need. 28 不错!Not bad! 9 不到黄河心不死。Always keep your eyes on the prize. 144 不干!No dice! 9 不高兴就说啊!Why didn’t you say you were upset! 124 不关我的事!Wasn’t me! 93 不会吧!Really! 28 不见不散!Be there or be square. 59 不见得。Not necessarily. 29 不开窍。Numskull. 28 不骗你。Seriously. 29 不如意事,十之八九。Life is not a bed of roses. 157 不识好歹!Unthankful! 60 不是你是谁!Who else! 93 不是你死,就是我亡。It’s either you or me. 158 不讨厌也不喜欢。Meh. 144 不行就是不行。No means no. 124 不要紧。Don’t worry. 29 不要强词夺理!Be reasonable! 124 不要上当!Don’t fall for it! 60 不要自以为是!Don’t be so cocky! 125 不一定吧。Not necessarily. 60 不用你多嘴!It’s none of your business! 93 不用张罗了。You don’t have to worry about it anymore. 94 不知羞耻!Shameless! 61
猜猜看!Guess! 30 才怪!Yeah right! 10 财运亨通啊。May prosperity find its way to you. 94 惨不忍睹。A terrible sight. 61 差劲!Sucks! 10 长话短说。To make a long story short. 61 沉默是金。Silence is golden. 62 成!Sure! 6 成事不足,败事有余。Always failing, never succeeding. 158 成败与否,全在于你。Success failure, it all boils down to you. 158 吃一堑,长一智。A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 125 痴心妄想!Wishful thinking! 62 臭美什么。Don’t be so full of yourself. 62 臭味相投。To share the same rotten tastes. ......