喻辉,教育部“长江学者特聘教授”(2018),教育部全国高校美育教指委委员,浙江省特聘专家,国家社科基金艺术学重大招标项目首席专家,云南大学二级教授、博士生导师,厦门大学讲座教授兼博士生导师,马来西亚博塔拉大学(UMP)长聘客座教授兼博士研究生导师,美国威斯里安大学(Wesleyan University)民族音乐学专业哲学博士,亚洲音乐学会(Council for Asian Musicology)共同会长,英语国际音乐期刊《Asian Musicology》(亚洲音乐学) 共同主编,东方音乐学会秘书长、副会长,第12届东亚乐律学会中方会长。先后任上海音乐学院音乐研究所助理研究员,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学安德鲁斯研究员(Andrew’s Fellow),沈阳师范大学音乐学院、宁波大学艺术学院和云南大学艺术与设计学院院长。近年来,先后应邀前往海外十几所高校访问讲学、担任客座教授和教授评审委员会、博士论文答辩委员会和国际音乐比赛评审委员会委员,以及音乐学研究领域重要国际会议的主旨演讲人、程序委员会主席和委员。以中英文出版文著作10余部、发表论文60余篇,为世界权威音乐百科全书《格罗夫乐器辞典》特约撰稿人,牛津大学出版社《牛津学科手册·中国音乐》共同主编。
Yu Hui received his PhD in Ethnomusicology from Wesleyan University in Connecticut, USA(2000),and is currently a professor of musicology and Dean of Arts at Yunnan University, China. Besides being the author of numerical articles published in both China and West on topics of Chinese Quqin zither, Chinese tone systems, Chinese music theory, Chinese opera traditions, and digital musicology, he is also a contributor to the Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed. (2014) and Outline of the Ancient Chinese Academic Works (Fudan University Press, 1996). He was a visiting scholar at the University of British Columbian and Australia National University, and has served on the faculty at Shanghai Conservatory of Music. From 2010 to 2016 he was the Dean of Music at Shenyang Normal University and Dean of Arts at Ningbo University respectively. His most recent article appeared in Qupai in Chinese Music: Melodic Models in Form and Practice, edited by Alan Thrasher and published by Routeledge in 2016. He is currently the co-editor of Oxford Handbook: Music of China (forthcoming).