内容提要 《英语修辞学(第2版)》分为3个部分,共11章。章论述修辞学的定义及其与演讲术的相互关系。第2章介绍英语修辞学及其产生的渊源。第3章分析学习英语修辞的重要意义。第4、5章分别讨论选词和用句。第6~11章重点讨论英语修辞格。其中,第6章讨论修辞格的定义、功能及其使用原则;第7章讨论音形类修辞格;第8、9章讨论句法结构类修辞格;0章讨论语义类修辞格;1章讨论逻辑类修辞格。为帮助读者掌握各章内容,每章之后均安排思考题或多种形式的练习题,书末安排综合测试题,并提供部分参考答案。 《英语修辞学(第2版)》为英语专业本科学生使用的教材,也可供英语修辞研究者及具备相当英语阅读能力的英语学习者学习参考。 目录 Part OneChapter 1 What Is Rhetoric?1.1 Rhetoric and Oratory1.2 Connotatioof Rhetoric1.3 Definitions of Rhetoric1.4 Five AssumptionsExercisesChapter 2 Brief History of WesterRhetoric2.1 Classical Rhetoric(5th c.B.C.-A.D.5 th c.)2.1.1 Ancient Greece and Ancient Greek Democracy2.1.2 Sophists and Their Practices of Rhetoric2.1.3 Ancient Greek Rhetoricians and Their Theory2.1.4 RomaRhetoricians and Their Theory2.2 Rhetoric ithe Middle Ages(5th-14th c.)2.3 Rhetoric ithe Renaissance(15th-16th c.)2.4 New Classical Rhetoric(17th-19th c.)2.4.1 The Scientific Perspective2.4.2 The Elocutionary Perspective2.4.3 The Literary Perspective2.5 Contemporary Rhetoric2.6 ConclusioExercisesChapter 3The Importance of Learning English RhetoricExercisesPart TwoChapter 4 Choice of Words4.1 Use Suitable Words4.2 Denotatioand Connotatio4.3 General Words and Specific Words4.4 Abstract Words and Concrete Words4.5 Short Words and Long WordsExercisesChapter 5 Choice of Sentences5.1 Types of Sentences5.1.1 Grammatical Classificatio5.1.1.1 Simple Sentences5.1.1.2 Compound Sentences5.1.1.3 Complex Sentences5.1.1.4 Compound-complex Sentences5.1.2 Functional Classificatio5.1.2.1 Declarative Sentences5.1.2.2 Interrogative Sentences5.1.2.3 Imperative Sentences5.1.2.4 Exclamatory.Sentences5.1.3 Rhetorical Classificatio5.1.3.1 Loose Sentences5.1.3.2 Periodic Sentences5.1.3.3 Balanced Sentences5.2 Long and Short Sentences5.2.1 Short Sentences5.2.2 Long Sentences5.2.3 Alternating Short and Long SentencesExercisesPart ThreeChapter 6 Introduction:Figures of Speech6.1 What Is a Figure of Speech6.2 Why Are Figures of Speech Used6.3 The Classificatioof Figures of Speech6.4 Use Figures of Speech ia Right WayExercisesChapter 7 Phonetic Figures of Speech7.1 Alliteratio7.2 Assonance7.3 Consonance7.4 Onomatopoeia7.5 Aposiopesis7.6 Apostrophe7.7 PuExercisesChapter 8 Syntactic Figures of Speech (Ⅰ)8.1 Repetitio8.1.1 Immediate Repetitio8.1.2 Intermittent Repetitio8.2 Anaphora8.3 Epiphora8.4 Symploce8.5 Anadiplosis8.6 Parallelism8.7 AntithesisExercisesChapter 9 Syntactic Figures of Speech (Ⅱ)9.1 Climax9.2 Anticlimax9.3 Syllepsis9.4 Zeugma9.5 Chiasmus9.6 Asyndeto9.7 Polysyndeto9.8 Rhetorical questioExercisesChapter 10 Semantic Figures of Speech10.1 Simile10.2 Metaphor10.3 Metonymy10.4 Synecdoche10.5 Antonomasia10.6 Personificatio10.7 Parody10.8 Synesthesia10.9 Transferred EpithetExercisesChapter 11 Logical Figures of Speech11.1 Allegory11.2 Allusio11.3 Hyperbole11.4 Understatement11.4.1 Litotes11.4.2 Meiosis11.4.3 Overtones11.5 Irony11.5.1 Verbal Irony11.5.1.1 Light Irony11.5.1.2 Heavy Irony11.5.2 Situational Irony11.6 Innuendo11.7 Euphemism11.8 Oxymoro11.9 Analogy11.1 0ParadoxExercisesAppendix A A General Test oFigures of SpeechAppendix B Simplistic Definitions of Figures of SpeechBibliographyIndex 作者介绍