作者 J. R. R. Tolkien(约翰·罗纳德·瑞尔·托尔金) 著;Christopher Tolkien(克里斯托弗·托尔金) 编
出版社 HarperCollins UK
出版时间 2010-04
版次 1
ISBN 9780007317240
定价 81.40元
装帧 平装
开本 其他
纸张 胶版纸
页数 384页
正文语种 英语
The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún is a previously unpublished work by J.R.R. Tolkien, written while Tolkien was Professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford during the 1920s and ‘30s, before he wrote The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. It makes available for the first time Tolkien’s extensive retelling in English narrative verse of the epic Norse tales of Sigurd the V?lsung and The Fall of the Niflungs. It includes an introduction by J.R.R. Tolkien, drawn from one of his own lectures on Norse literature, with commentary and notes on the poems by Christopher Tolkien.