Andy Fan是美国前总统克林顿的首位华人翻译官,在为克林顿做翻译的那段日子里,有一天,AndyFan问了克林顿一个一直很想问他的问题:If I want to be as successful and as happy asyou are,what do I need to start doing next week,Mondy throughFriday?(如果我希望像您一样成功,像您一样幸福,下周我必须开始做什么,从周一到周五?)克林顿很幽默地脱口而出:Andy,youknow I work seven days a week,not five.That’s how you get to be assuccessful as Iam.(安迪,你知道我每周工作七天,而不是五天。那样你才可能和我一样成功。)在安迪还未来得及为自己辩解时,克林顿伸出5个手指,对安迪说道:安迪,既然你比我懒,每周只工作5天,那我就给你5个建议:
1.First you need to change your mindset.你首先要改变思维模式。
2.Then, you can change your behavior and map of action.然后你才可能改变行为和行动。
3.Success is a decision. 成功是一种决定。
4. Happiness is a choice. 幸福是一种选择。
5. Only passion can make your dream come true.只有激情才能使你梦想成真。