变色龙很苦恼,因为他没有自己的颜色,他总是走到哪儿,颜色就变成什么样。有一天,他遇见了另外一只变色龙,他们约定:既然改变不了现实的条件,就一起改变身上的颜色。从此以后,两只变色龙过上了快乐而满足的生活…… Elephants are gray. Pigs are pink. Only the chameleon has nocolor of his own. He is purple like the heather, yellow like alemon, even black and orange striped like a tiger! Then one day achameleon has an idea to remain one color forever by staying on thegreenest leaf he can find. But in the autumn, the leaf changes fromgreen to yellow to red . . . and so does the chameleon. Whenanother chameleon suggests they travel together, he learns thatcompanionship is more important than having a color of his own. Nomatter where he goes with his new friend, they will always bealike.