目录 CONTENTS部分(Part Ⅰ)基础化学讲座(Chemistry Lectures) 第1章(Chapter 1)化学的本质(The Nature of Chemistry) Homework No.1 第2章(Chapter 2)作为定量科学和物质科学的化学(Chemistry as a Quantitative Science and a Science of Matter) 2.1Introduction 2.2Numbers in Physical Quantities 2.3Units of Measurement 2.4The Dimensional Method and Problem Solving 2.5Atoms and Elements 2.6Atomic Structure: Five Classic Experiments 2.7Nuclear Arithmetic 2.8Kinds of Matter Homework No.2 第3章(Chapter 3)原子、分子和离子(Atoms, Molecules, and Ions) 3.1Atoms and Ions in Combination 3.2Atomic, Molecular and Molar Mass Relationships 3.3Composition of a Chemical Compound, Simplest and Empirical Formulas, and Molecular Formulas Homework No.3 第4章(Chapter 4)气态(The Gaseous State) 4.1The Nature of Gases 4.2Volume, Pressure, and Temperature Relationships 4.3Mass, Molecular, and Molar Relationships 4.4Behavior of Gas Molecules Homework No.4 第5章(Chapter 5)化学反应和化学计算法(Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry) 5.1Chemical Change: Equations and Types of Reactions 5.2Stoichiometry Homework No.5 第6章(Chapter 6)热化学(Thermochemistry) 6.1Energy 6.2Heats of Reaction and Other Enthalpy Changes 6.3Measuring Heat Homework No.6 第7章(Chapter 7)有机化合物和基团的命名(Nomenclature for Organic Compounds and Groups) 7.1Saturated and Unsaturated Hydrocarbons 7.2Functional Groups with Covalent Single Bonds 7.3Functional Groups with Covalent Double Bonds Homework No.7 第8章(Chapter 8)碳水化合物、氨基酸、蛋白质和脂肪(Carbohydrates, Amino Acids, Protein and Fat) 8.1Carbohydrates 8.2Amino Acids and Protein 8.3Fat Homework No. 8 第9章(Chapter 9)聚合反应: 由简单分子到高分子(Polymerization Reaction: from Simple Molecules to Polymers) 9.1StepGrowth Polymerization and Condensation Polymers 9.2ChainGrowth Polymerization and Addition Polymers Homework No. 9 第二部分(Part Ⅱ)重要专业术语(Significant Terms) 第10章(Chapter 10)无机化学术语(Inorganic Chemical Terms) 第11章(Chapter 11)有机化学术语(Organic Chemical Terms) 11.1Hydrocarbons 11.2Hydrocarbons and Energy 11.3Some Introductory Con