目录 Preface 1. Supplements to the Java 2 Platform 1.1 Obtaining Commons Lang 1.2 Joining the Commons-User Mailing List 1.3 Getting the Commons Lang Source Code 1.4 Automating the Generation of toString()Content 1.5 Customizing Generated toString()Content 1.6 Automating hashCode()and equals() 1.7 Automating compareTo() 1.8 Printing an Array 1.9 Cloning and Reversing Arrays 1.10 Transforming Between Object Arrays and Primitive Arrays 1.11 Finding Items in an Array 1.12 Creating a Map from a Multidimensional Array 1.13 Formatting Dates 1.14 Rounding Date Objects 1.15 Truncating Date Objects 1.16 Creating an Enum 1.17 Generating Unique Numeric Identifiers 1.18 Validation of Method Parameters 1.19 Measuring Time 2. Manipulating Text 2.1 Setting Up StringUtils and WordUtils 2.2 Checking for an Empty String 2.3 Abbreviating Strings 2.4 Splitting a String 2.5 Finding Nested Strings 2.6 Stripping and Trimming a String 2.7 Chomping a String 2.8 Creating an Emphasized Header 2.9 Reversing a String 2.10 Wrapping Words 2.11 Testing the Contents of a String 2.12 Measuring the Frequency of a String 2.13 Parsing Formatted Strings 2.14 Calculating String Difference 2.15 Using Commons Codec 2.16 Getting the Commons Codec Source Code 2.17 Calculating Soundex 3. JavaBeans 3.1 Representing Beans Graphically 3.2 Obtaining Commons BeanUtils 3.3 Getting the Commons BeanUtils Source Code 3.4 Accessing Simple Bean Properties 3.5 Accessing Nested Bean Properties 3.6 Accessing Indexed Bean Properties 3.7 Accessing Mapped Bean Properties 3.8 Accessing a Simple,Nested,Indexed,and Mapped Bean Property 3.9 Determining the Type of a Bean Property 3.10 Comparing Beans 3.11 Copying Bean Properties 3.12 Cloning a Bean 3.13 Setting a Bean Property 3.14 Testing Property Access 3.15 Validating Beans with Predicates 3.16 Creating a Map of Bean Properties 3.17 Wrapping a Bean with a Map 3.18 Creating a Dynamic Bean 3.19 Getting and Setting Properties as Strings 4. Functors 5. Collections 6. XML 7. Application Infrastructure 8. Math 9. Templating 10. I/O and Networking 11. HTTP and WebDAV 12. Searching and Filtering Index