A STUDY OF MONOGRAPHS ON THE WESTERN REGIONS IN THE OFFICIAL HISTORY BOOKS OF THE WESTERN & EASTERN HAN, WEI, JIN, SOUTHERN & NORTHERN DYNASTIES是同作者《两汉魏晋南北朝正史西域传研究》一书的英文版,是作者长期研究西域史和古代中外关系史,对塞种、贵霜、嚈哒以及两汉魏晋南北朝与西域关系史的论着。 作者就各篇西域传所见西域文化、宗教、习俗、制度,以及人种、语言、文字作了分门别类的研究,结集而成《两汉魏晋南北朝正史西域传研究》。本书和《两汉南北朝正史西域传要注》为姊妹篇。两书不仅为两汉魏晋南北朝正史西域传有关西域的记载提供了一个系统的注解,而且首次解读了两汉魏晋南北朝正史西域传的认知和阐述系统。这对于深入理解两汉魏晋南北朝的政治、经济和文化等均有参考价值,其意义已经逸出了西域史研究的范畴。
Chapter 1 The Relationship between the “Dayuan liezhuan” (Monograph on Dayuan) of Shiji and “Zhang Qian, Li Guangli zhuan” (Biographies of Zhang Qian and Li Guangli), the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) of Hanshu ...... 9
Chapter 2 The Relationship between the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) of Houhanshu and the “Xirong zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Rong) Chapter of Weilüe ...... 32
Chapter 3 The Relationship between the “Xibei zhurong zhuan” (Monograph on the North-Western Barbarians) of Liangshu and Liang Zhigongtu(Illustration of Envoys Presenting Tribute at the Liang Court), and a Discussion of the Extant Fragment of Liang Zhigongtu and Pei Ziye’s Fangguoshitu (Portraits of Envoys from Remote States) ...... 44
Chapter 4 A Study on the Original Text of the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) of Weishu ...... 96
Chapter 5 On the Stylistic Rules and Layout of the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) in the Official Histories of the Western and Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties ...... 138
PART Ⅱ...... 153
Chapter 1 Names of Tribes, States and Seats of King’s Government as Recorded in the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) in the Official Histories of the Western and Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties ...... 155
Chapter 2 Distances as Recorded in the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) in the Official Histories of the Western and Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties ...... 184
Chapter 3 Mountains and Waterways as Recorded in the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) in the Official Histories of the Western and Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, and the Southern and Northern
Dynasties ...... 237
Chapter 4 A Geographical Study on the States in the Western Regions as Recorded in the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) in the Official Histories from the Han to Jin Dynasties ...... 258
Chapter 5 A Geographical Study on the States in the Western Regions as Recorded in the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) in the Official Histories of the Southern and Northern Dynasties ...... 326
Chapter 6 Products of the States in the Western Regions as Recorded in the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) in the Official Histories of the Western and Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, and Southern anNorthern Dynasties ...... 361
PART Ⅲ...... 401
Chapter 1 Population of the States in the Western Regions as Recorded in the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) in the Official Histories of the Western and Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties ...... 403
Chapter 2 Ethnicity, Language, and Scripts of the States in the Western Regions as Recorded in the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) in the Official Histories of the Western and Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties ...... 419
Chapter 3 Agriculture, Handicrafts and Trade of the States in the Western Regions as Recorded in the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) in the Official Histories of the Western and Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties ...... 432
Chapter 4 Social Life of the States in the Western Regions as Recorded in the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) in the Official Histories of the Western and Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties ...... 466
Chapter 5 Religions, Myths and Legends of the States in the Western Regions, and Cultural exchange between East and West as Recorded in the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) in the Official
Histories of the Western and Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties ...... 491
Chapter 6 Institutions and Common Law of the States in the Western Regions as Recorded in the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) in the Official Histories of the Western and Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties ...... 514
APPENDIX Ⅰ...... 537
Chapter 1 A Compilation and Philological Study of the Sources on the Western Regions in Xun Yue?s Hanji ...... 539
Chapter 2 Some Issues Concerning the “Xiyu zhuan” (Monograph on the Western Regions) of Suishu (ch. 83) ...... 577
APPENDIX Ⅱ...... 595
Chapter 1 “Loulan”, “Shanshan”, “Jingjue” and Other Toponyms and the Route of Xuanzang’s Return from Yutian ...... 597
Chapter 2 The Dual Submission of the Oasis States on the Southern and Northern Routes through the Western Regions from the Western Han to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and a Problem Concerning Kushān History ...... 607
Chapter 3 The Phenomenon of the Larger Oasis States Seeking Hegemony on the Southern and Northern Routes through the Western Regions from the Western Han to the Southern and Northern Dynasties ...... 619