商务汉语考试(Business Chinese Test,以下简称“BCT”)是孔子学院总部/国家汉办主办,汉考国际研发、实施的一项国际汉语能力标准化考试,遵循“以用为本、听说导向、能力为重、定位职场”的原则,力求贴合职场实际情况,以实用性强的语言交际内容为载体,考查考生使用汉语应对工作环境需要的能力。 为了满足全球商务汉语考生的强烈需求,孔子学院总部/国家汉办组织出版《商务汉语考试真题集》系列。该系列共2册,包括《商务汉语考试真题集BCT(A)》和《商务汉语考试真题集BCT(B)》。 Business Chinese Test (hereinafter referred to as "BCT") is a standardized exam sponsored by Hanban / Confucius Institute Headquarters and developed and implemented by the Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd. (CTI). Following the principle of “utility focused, listening and speaking oriented, ability valued, and workplace positioned”, it strives to fit the actual situation in business and use practical language content as a vehicle to examine candidates’ ability to use Chinese to deal with the needs of the working environment. In order to meet the strong demand of global business Chinese candidate, Hanban/ Confucius Institute Headquarters has published the series of Official Examination Papers of Business Chinese Test, The series consists of 2 volumes, including Official Examination Papers of Business Chinese Test BCT(A) and BCT(B).