Acting as a b r dge between the basic theo ry of Chinese medicine (CM)and va riou scilnicaI subiect s Diaqnostics in Chine se Medicine can be rega rded as a core subject Inunde rstandlnq the concept 0f CMBa sed on the nationaI textbooks of CM in China Diagnosficsin Chinese Medicineiswritten combined with the National Elaborate Cou rse given by Professor Chen Jia xu a十Beijing Unive rsity of CM Acco rding to P rofesso r Chen's long standing high academicand cIinicaI practice,figu res and tables a re presented clea rly to inten sify understandingand comP rehen sion In addition,222 tYPicaI Picfu re s fo r in sPecfion(fongue)examinarian a re included in the DVD to help unders十anding end teaching Comprehensive and in deofh explanafion a s weII a straining course for application of fou r diagno stic methoa sand various methods for patte rn differentiation、Numerous figu res and fabIes fo heIP P re senf idea sSimply and logically、Case records writing for lnitialstudenfs、Pictures contained in DVD to help understanding andteaching。
Contributors(Listed alphabetically by name) Chen Jia-xu(陈家旭) Kou Mei-jing(寇美静) WangLi—rain(王利敏) Zhao Xin(赵歆) Ding Jie(丁杰) TangYi-ring(唐已婷) Wang Shao-xian(王少贤) Zou Xiao-juan(邹小娟) Translators(Listed alphabetlcally by name) Chenlia-xu(陈家旭) Guo Xiao-ling(郭晓玲) Li Jing-jing(李晶晶) Yue Li—feng(岳利峰) Ding Jie(丁杰) Jiang You-ming(姜幼明) Liu Yue-yun(刘玥芸) Enolish Editors