"To quietly persevere in storing up what is learned, to continuestudying without respite, to instruct others without growingweary--is this not me?" --Confucius Confucius is recognized as China's first and greatest teacher, andhis ideas have been the fertile soil in which the Chinese culturaltradition has flourished. Now, here is a translation of therecorded thoughts and deeds that best remember Confucius--informedfor the first time by the manuscript version found at Dingzhou in1973, a partial text dating to 55 BCE and only made available tothe scholarly world in 1997. The earliest Analects yet discovered,this work provides us with a new perspective on the centralcanonical text that has defined Chinese culture--and clearlyilluminates the spirit and values of Confucius. Confucius (551-479 BCE) was born in the ancient state of Lu into anera of unrelenting, escalating violence as seven of the strongeststates in the proto-Chinese world warred for supremacy. Thelandscape was not only fierce politically but also intellectually.Although Confucius enjoyed great popularity as a teacher, and manyof his students found their way into political office, hepersonally had little influence in Lu. And so he began to travelfrom state to state as an itinerant philosopher to persuadepolitical leaders that his teachings were a formula for social andpolitical success. Eventually, his philosophies came to dictate thestandard of behavior for all of society--including the emperorhimself. Based on the latest research and complete with both Chinese andEnglish texts, this revealing translation serves both as anexcellent introduction to Confucian thought and as an authoritativeaddition to sophisticated debate.
Roger T. Ames is a professor of Chinese philosophy at theUniversity of Hawaii, and the Director of its Center for ChineseStudies. He is also editor of the journals Philosophy East &West and China Review International. He is the author of severalinterpretative studies on classical Confucianism, includingThinking Through Confucius (with David L. Hall). His earliertranslation of Sun-Tzu: The Art of Warfare is recognized as alandmark of contemporary Chinese military and philosophicalstudies.