preface introduction 1. the pre-socratic philosophers sixth and fifth centuries b.c.e. thales anamander anamenes pythagoras xenophanes heraclitus parmenides zeno empedocles anaxagoras leucippus and democritus 2. the athenian period fifthand fourth centuries b.c.e the sophists protagoras gorgias thrasymachus callicles and critias 56 socrates to aristotle 3. the hellenistic and roman periods fourth century b.c.e. through fourth centuryc.e. epicureanism stoicism neotonism 4. medieval and renaissance philosophy fifth through fifteenth centuries saint augustine the encyclopediasts john scotuseriugena saint anselm muslim and jewish philosophies averroes maimonides the problem of faith and reason the problem of the universals saintthomas aquinas william of ockham renaissance philosophers 5. continental rationalism and british empiricism the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries descartes hobbes spinoza leibniz locke berkeley hume kant 6. t-kantian british and continental philosophy the nieenth century lie,gel schopenhauer kierkegaard marx nietzsche utilitarianism bentham mill frege pragmatism, the analytic tradition, and the phenomenological tradition and its aftermath the twentieth century pragmatism james dewey the analytic tradition moore russell logical itivism wittgenstein ouine the phenomenological tradition and its aftermath husserl heidegger sartre structuralism and tstructuralism saussure levi-strauss lacan derrida farewell to the twentieth century nussbaum glossaryof philosophicalterms selected bibliography index