section 1 anatomy of the urinary tract 1-1 kidney: ition and relations(anterior view) 1-2 kidney: ition and relations(terior view) 1-3 kidney: ition and relations(transverse sections) 1-4 kidney: gross structure 1-5 renal fascia 1-6 ureters: ition relations grossstructure 1-7 bladder: ition relations grossstructure (male) 1-8 bladder: ition relations grossstructure (female) 1-9 bladder: ition relations grossstructure (coronal cross-section) ] 1-10 renal vasculature: renal artery and vein in situ 1-11 renal vasculature: renal artery segmentalbranches and intrarenal arteries 1-12 renal vasculature: variations in renal artery and vein 1-13 vasculature of ureters and bladder 1-14 innervation of kidneys ureters and bladder 1-15 innervation pathways of the kidneys and upper ureter 1-16 innervation pathways of the ureter and bladder 1-17 lymphatics of urinary system 1-18 overview of the nephron 1-19 renal microvasculature 1-20 glomerulus: structure and histology 1-21 glomerulus fine structure 1-22 glomerulus: electron microscopy 1-23 promal tubule 1-24 thin limb 1-25 distal tubule 1-26 collecting duct 1-27 renal pelvis ureter and bladder section 2 normal and abnormal development 2-1 development of kidney 2-2 development of kidney: nephron formation 2-3 development of bladder and ureter: formation of the cloaca 2-4 development of bladder and ureter: septation incorporation of ureters and maturation 2-5 renal ascent and ectopia: normal renal ascent and pelvic kidney 2-6 renal ascent and ectopia: thoracic and crossed ectopic kidney 2-7 renal rotation and malrotation 2-8 anomalies in number of kidneys: bilateral renal agenesis 2-9 anomalies in number of kidneys: unilateral renal agenesis 2-10 anomalies in number of kidneys: supernumerary kidney 2-11 renal fusion 2-12 renal dyssia 2-13 renal hyia 2-14 simple cysts 2-15 polycystic kidney disease: gross appearance 2-16 polycystic kidney disease: radiographic fins 2-17 medullary sponge kidney 2-18 nephronophthisis/medullary cystic kidney disease plex 2-19 retrocaval ureter: radiographic fins and laparoscopic repair 2-20 retrocaval ureter: normal development of the inferior vena cava 2-21 vesicoureteral reflux: mechanism and gra 2-22 vesicoureteral reflux: voi cystourethrograms 2-23 ureteral duplication: plete 2-24 ureteral duplication: inplete 2-25 ectopic ureter 2-26 ureterocele: gross and fine appearance 2-27 ureterocele: radiographic fins 2-28 prune belly syndrome: appearance of abdominal wall 2-29 prune belly syndrome: appearance of kidneys ureters and bladder 2-30 epispadias exstrophy plex: epispadias 2-31 epispadias exstrophy plex: bladder exstrophy 2-32 bladder duplication and septation 2-33 anomalies of the urachus 2-34 terior urethral valves: gross appearance 2-35 terior urethral valves: radiographic fins section 3 physiology 3-1 basic functions and homeostasis 3-2 clearance and renal sma flow 3-3 giomerular filtration rate 3-4 glomerular filtration rate: calculation 3-5 secretion and reabsorption: tubular reabsorption and saturation kiics 3-6 secretion and reabsorption: fractional excretion (clearance ratios) 3-7 renal handling of sodium and chloride: nephron sites of sodium reabsorption 3-8 renal handling of sodium and chloride: response to extracellular fluid contraction 3-9 renal handling of sodium and chloride: response to extracellular fluid expansion 3-10 renal handling of potassium 3-11 renal handling of calcium phosphate and magnesium 3-12 countercurrent multiplication: model--parti 3-13 countercurrent multiplication: model--partii 3-14 countercurrent multiplication: models to demonstrate principle of countercurrent exchange system of vasa recta in minimizing dissipation of medullary osmotic gradient 3-15 urine concentration and dilution and overview of water handling: long-looped nephron (adh present) 3-16 urine concentration and dilution: long-looped nephron (adh absent) 3-17 antidiuretic hormone …… section 4 renal diseases section 5 urinary tract infections section 6 urinary tract obstructions section 7 traumatic injuries section 8 voi dysfunction section 9 neosms section 10 therapeutics selected references index