【图书描述】: "本书概述根据我国医学院校的教学实际, 共收录有关实验22个, 以培养学生动手解决实际问题的能力, 并加深对理论知识的理解。每个试验均配有原理、试剂、操作步骤及试验等相关内容, 对加深学生试验理论知识及提高英文阅读能力有很大帮助。" 【内容简介】: 《EXPERIMENTAL MANUAL IN MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRY》is primarily intended for undergraduate medical students, and hopefully it will be a useful reference book for graduate students and teaching staff. The objectives for the course are for students to learn modern biochemical laboratory methodologies and techniques, develop the ability to perform experiments successfully and independently, properly interpret the data and write scientific laboratory reports.The first edition of this manual presents shortened versions of the basic biochemistry methods designed for use at the lab bench in a biochemistry and molecular biology laboratory. Students who learn biochemistry as a part of medical science should be able to understand the concepts and methods of not only the conventional clinical laboratory tests but also the recently developed tests. For this purpose, we have made this manual with incorporation of some clinical laboratory test kits. All of the experiments have been performed many times in our own laboratory. We hope that they will provide a reliable training of the most important and commonly used techniques of contemporary biochemistry. We express our appreciation to our colleagues in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Wuhan University School of Medicine, who have contributed ideas, techniques and experiences to the manual. We are really grateful to all the experts, especially those from other universities, who made big contribution to the compiling of various chapters. 【目录】: Chapter Ⅰ Spectrophotometry 1.1 Basic Concepts and Principle of SpectrophOtometry 1.2 Measu rement of Light Absorption 1.3 Aplications of Spectrophotometry EXP.1 Quantitative Analysis of Protein EXP.2 Determination of Blood Glucose Chapter Ⅱ Electrophoresis 2.1 Basic Principles of Electrophoresis 2.2 Impact Factors of Electrophoresis 2.3 Detection of Components after Electrophoretic Separation 2.4 Special Electropho retic Techniques and Applications EXP.3 Separation of Serum Proteins by Cellulose Acetate Membrane Electrophoresis EXP.4 Separation of Serum Lipoproteins by Agarose Gel Electrophoresis EXP.5 Proteins Separation by SDS—Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Chapter Ⅲ Chromatography 3.1 Fundamental Principles of Chromatography 3.2 Com monly Used Chromatog raphiC Techniques EXP.6 Detecting Transamination of Amino Acids by Paper Chromatography EXP.7 Separation of Mixed Amino Acids by Cation Exchange Chromatography EXP.8 Separation of Hemoglobin and Dinitrophenyl(DNP)-glutamate by Gel Filtration Chromatography Chapter Ⅳ Enzyme Analysis 4.1 The Activity of Enzyme 4.2 Enzyme kinetics(Factors affecting reaction velocity) 4.3 Enzvmarie analysis EXP.9 Assay the Activity of Alanine Aminotransferase(ALT)in Serum (Mohun’S Method) EXP.10 Lactate Dehydrogenase(LDH)Analysis EXP.11 Effect of Substrate Concentration on Enzyme Activity.Determining Km Value for Alkaline Phosphatase EXP.12 Coupled enzymatic reaction assay(EnzymaticEndpoint Method)-Determination of Total Cholesterol,Triglycerides and Glucose in Serum Chapter Ⅴ Isolation and Purification of Protein 5.1 Methods and Basic Principles of Protein Pu rification 5.2 Procedure of Protein Preparation 5.3 Crystallization,Concentration,Drying and Storage of Protein 5.4 Identification and Analysis of Protein EXP.13 Isolation and Identification of Serum IgG EXP.14 Expression.Purification and Identification of Glutathione S.Transferase Fusion Protein Chapter Ⅵ Isolation.Purification and Identification of Nucleic Acids 6.1 Isolation and Purification of Nucleic Acids 6.2 Identification and Analysis of Nucleic Acids EXP.15 Isolation of Eukaryotic Genomic DNA by Proteinase K.Phenolor NaI Method EXP.16 SDS.Alkaline Lysis of Plasmid DNA EXP.17 Isolation of Total RNA by TRIzol Reagent …… Chapter Ⅶ Genetic Engineering English-Chinese Index