在一个暴风雨的夜晚,小樱的爸爸和妈妈都消失在了海上。镇上所有的人都告诉小樱她的父母已经遇难了,只有小樱打从心底相信,她的父母总有一天会回来。这以后,她跟杰克舅舅,“红秋千上的女孩”松饼屋的包泽小姐,还有镇上形形色色的人,都经历了很多变故。不变的是小樱的信念,还有“红秋千上的女孩”,它的所有菜色依然都放在松饼上,连牛排、炸鱼和松饼都是!Primrose Squarp simply knows her parents did not perish at seaduring a terrible storm, but try convincing the other residents ofCoal Harbour on that score. For all practical purposes, at leastfor the time being, Primrose is an orphan, and there’s no greatclamoring of prospective adopters. After realizing theimpracticality of continuing to pay Miss Perfidy (amothball-scented elderly lady) an hourly wage to baby-sit her, thetown council is able to locate a relative, Uncle Jack, whoreluctantly takes Primrose into his care. Primrose does warm up toliving with him and in his home, despite the eerie noisesresembling a hockey game that haunt her in the night. But truesanctuary can always be found at a restaurant called The Girl inthe Swing, where everything—including lasagna—is served on awaffle, and where the proprietor, Miss Bowzer, offers a willingear, as well as sage advice. Through a mixture of eccentric humorand probing philosophy, author Polly Horvath makes Primrose’ssearch for peace and understanding a most memorable one.
波莉·霍维斯,生于美国密歇根州的卡拉马祖市,现定居于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省梅乔辛市。八岁时即开始写作,屡次投稿均获得编辑的赞赏。至今已创作许多著作,曾获纽伯瑞儿童文学奖、《波士顿环球报》、《号角图书》奖、美国国家图书奖的青年文学奖等。Polly Horvath is the author of many children’s books,including The Canning Season, winner of the NationalBook Award, and The Pepins and Their Problems, published bySquare Fish in Winter 2008. Her newest book, The Corps of theBare-Boned Plane, was published in Fall 2007 by FSG. Shelives in Victoria, British Columbia.