Unfinished at the time of Marx'sdeath in 1883 and first published with a preface by FrederickEngels in 1894, the third volume of "Das Kapital" strove to combinethe theories and concepts of the two previous volumes in order toprove conclusively that capitalism is inherently unworkable as apermanent system for society. Here, Marx asserts controversiallythat - regardless of the efforts of individual capitalists, publicauthorities or even generous philanthropists - any market economyis inevitably doomed to endure a series of worsening, explosivecrises leading finally to complete collapse. But he also offers aninspirational and compelling prediction: that the end of capitalismwill culminate, ultimately, in the birth of a far greater form ofsociety.
Karl Marx was born in 1818 in Trier, Germany and studied inBonn and Berlin. Influenced by Hegel, he later reacted againstidealist philosophy and began to develop his own theory ofhistorical materialism. He related the state of society to itseconomic foundations and mode of production, and recommended armedrevolution on the part of the proletariat. Together with Engels,who he met in Paris, he wrote the Manifesto of the Communist Party.He lived in England as a refugee until his death in 1888, afterparticipating in an unsuccessful revolution in Germany. ErnstMandel was a member of the Belgian TUV from 1954 to 1963 and waschosen for the annual Alfred Marshall Lectures by CambridgeUniversity in 1978. He died in 1995 and the Guardian described himas 'one of the most creative and independent-minded revolutionaryMarxist thinkers of the post-war world.' Translated by DavidFernbach with an introduction by Ernest Mandel