目录 一、中国哲学家孔子的道德箴言 The Morals of Confucius,a Chinese Philosopher 二、马士曼《论语》英译书评 Review of J.Marshman's The Works of Con fucius 三、孔子/[英]马礼逊 Kung tsze/Robert Morrison 四、孔子传略/[英]艾约瑟 A Sketch of the Life of Confucius/Joseph Edkins 五、理雅各《中国经典》书评 Review of James Legge's The Chinese Classics 六、理雅各《中国经典》、卫三畏《中国总论》及伟烈亚力《中 国文献录》书评/[英]查尔斯·亨利·布查尔 Review of James Legge's The Chinese Classics,Wells Williams'The Middle Kingdom and A.Wylie's Notes on Chinese Literature /Charles Henry Butcher 七、儒教与基督教的比较/[英]理雅各 Confucianism in Relation to Christianity/James Legge 八、苏慧廉《论语》英译书评/[英]鲍康宁 Review of W.E.Soothil's The Analects of Confucius/ F.W.B. 九、儒家学说及其反对派/[英]翟理斯 Confucianism and Its Rivals/Herbert A.Giles 十、孔子及其学派/[英]苏慧廉 Confucius and His School/W.E.Soothil 十一、答询问者/辜鸿铭 Answer to Enquirer/Ku Hung-ming 十二、阿瑟·韦利《论语》漠译书评/[英]翟林奈 Review of Arthur Waley's The Analects of Con fucius/ Lionel Giles 十三、香港大学出版社1960年版《中国经典》书评/[美]哈 洛德·谢迪克 Review of The Chinese Classics (Hong Kong University Press,1960)/Harold Shadick 译名对照表