Contents Series Editor''s Preface xix Acknowledgements xxiii Abbreviations xxiv
Part I: Basic concepts and statistics 1 1 Basic concepts and terms 3 2 Describing test scores 41
3 Investigating relationships among different sets of test scores 78
Part II: Statistics for test analysis and improvement 117 4 Analyzing test tasks 119 5 Investigating reliability for norm-referenced tests 153 6 Investigating reliability for criterion-referenced tests 192
Part III: Statistics for test use 207 7 Stating hypotheses and making statistical inferences 209 8 Tests of statistical significance 229 9 Investigating validity 257 10 Reporting and interpreting test scores 294
Bibliography323 Index330
Appendices351 Appendix 1: Statistical tables351 Table A: Proportions of area under the standard normal curve 351 Table B: Critical values of t357 Table C: Critical values of F358 Table D: Critical values of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient363 Table E: Critical values of the Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient364 Appendix 2: Workbook365