frm资格认证试notes(风险管理基础) wele to the 2017 schwesernotes rea assignments and learning objectives foundations of risk management 1: risk management: a helicopter view 2: corporate risk management: a primer 3: corporate governance and risk management 4: what is erm? 5: risk management, governance, culture, and risk taking in banks 6: finan disasters 7: deciphering the liquidity and credit crunch 2007-2008 8: getting up to speed on the finan crisis: a one-weekend-readers guide 9: risk management failures: what are they and when do they happen? delineating efficient portfolios 10: the standard capital asset pricing model 11: applying the capm to performance measurement: single-index performance measurement indicators 12: arbitrage pricing theory and multifactor models of risk and return 13: principles for effective data aggregation and risk reporting 14: garp code of conduct self-test: foundations of risk management formulas index frm资格认证试notes(金融市场与产品) frm资格认证试notes(定量分析) frm资格认证试notes(估值与风险模型) frm资格认证试题集