布面精装/烫金书名/鎏金书顶/毛边(未裁)《萨克雷文集》27册(全)The Works Of William Makepeace Thackeray. 1-2. Vanity Fair. 3-4. The History of Pendennis. 5. The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon: 6-7. The Newcomes. 8. The History of
Henry Esmond. 9-10. The Virginians. 11-12. The Adventures of Philip. 13. The Irish Sketch Book. 14. The Great Hoggarty Diamond. The History of the next French Revolution. Cruikhank and Leech.0
1-2. Vanity Fair. 2 vols. 3-4. The History of Pendennis. 2 vols. 5. The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon: A Little Dinner at Timmin's 6-7. The Newcomes. 2 vols. 8. The History of Henry Esmond. 9-10. The Virginians. 2 vols. 11-12. The Adventures of Philip, to wchich is now prefixed A Shabby Genteel Story. 2 vols. 13. The Irish Sketch Book. 14. The Great Hoggarty Diamond. The History of the next French Revolution. Cruikhank and Leech. Cox's Diary. The Bedford Row Conspiracy. 15. Major Gahagan. The Fatal Boots. Men's Wives. The Second Funeral of Napoleon. 16. The Yellowplush Papers. Catherine. 17. The Fitzboodle Papers. Charakter Sketches. Tales. Papers by the Fat Contributor. Miss Tickletoby's Lectures on English History. 18. The Book of Snobs. Novels by Eminent Hands. Sultan Stork and other Papers. 19. Lovel the Widower. The Wolves and the Lamb. Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. 20. Ballads. A Legend of the Rhine. The Diary of C. Jeames de la Pluche, Esq., with his Letters. 21. Roundabout Papers. Little Travels and Roadside Sketches. 22-23. The Christmas Books of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. Contents: - Mrs. Perkins's Ball - Our Street - Dr. Birch and his Young Friends - Rebecca and Rowena - The Rose and the Ring - The Kickleburys on the Rhine. 2 vols. 24. Sketches and Travels in London; and Miscellaneous Contributions to Punch. 25. The Four Georges; and The English Humorist of the Eighteenth Century. 26. The Paris Sketch Book; and a Lecture on Charity and Humours. 27. Denis Duval; and Miscellaneous Essays, Sketch and Reviews.