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  • 布面精装/烫金书名/鎏金书顶/毛边(未裁)《萨克雷文集》27册(全)The Works Of William Makepeace Thackeray. 1-2. Vanity Fair. 3-4. The History of Pendennis. 5. The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon: 6-7. The Newcomes. 8. The History of
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  • 布面精装/烫金书名/鎏金书顶/毛边(未裁)《萨克雷文集》27册(全)The Works Of William Makepeace Thackeray. 1-2. Vanity Fair. 3-4. The History of Pendennis. 5. The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon: 6-7. The Newcomes. 8. The History of
  • 布面精装/烫金书名/鎏金书顶/毛边(未裁)《萨克雷文集》27册(全)The Works Of William Makepeace Thackeray. 1-2. Vanity Fair. 3-4. The History of Pendennis. 5. The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon: 6-7. The Newcomes. 8. The History of
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布面精装/烫金书名/鎏金书顶/毛边(未裁)《萨克雷文集》27册(全)The Works Of William Makepeace Thackeray. 1-2. Vanity Fair. 3-4. The History of Pendennis. 5. The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon: 6-7. The Newcomes. 8. The History of

Henry Esmond. 9-10. The Virginians. 11-12. The Adventures of Philip. 13. The Irish Sketch Book. 14. The Great Hoggarty Diamond. The History of the next French Revolution. Cruikhank and Leech.0

2380 九品




出版社Smith, Elder & Co. 1880-1893



尺寸16.5 × 11.5 cm



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1-2. Vanity Fair. 2 vols.
3-4. The History of Pendennis. 2 vols.
5. The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon: A Little Dinner at Timmin's
6-7. The Newcomes. 2 vols.
8. The History of Henry Esmond.
9-10. The Virginians. 2 vols.
11-12. The Adventures of Philip, to wchich is now prefixed  A Shabby Genteel Story. 2 vols.
13. The Irish Sketch Book.
14. The Great Hoggarty Diamond. The History of the next French Revolution. Cruikhank and Leech. Cox's Diary. The Bedford Row Conspiracy.
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16. The Yellowplush Papers. Catherine.
17. The Fitzboodle Papers. Charakter Sketches. Tales. Papers by the Fat Contributor. Miss Tickletoby's Lectures on English History.
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