• 1926年版《世界家具百科全书》含659幅插图 THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF FURNITURE: AN OUTLINE HISTORY OF FURNITURE DESIGN - With 659 Illustrations arranged on 320 Plates, compiled by Hermann Schmitz
21年品牌 40万+商家 超1.5亿件商品

1926年版《世界家具百科全书》含659幅插图 THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF FURNITURE: AN OUTLINE HISTORY OF FURNITURE DESIGN - With 659 Illustrations arranged on 320 Plates, compiled by Hermann Schmitz

in Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Greece, Rome, Italy, France, The Netherlands, Germany, England, Scandinavia, Spain, Russia, and in the Near and Far East up to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century.

2800 八五品



作者SCHMITZ, Dr. Hermann; H. P. Shapland, Introduction

出版社Ernest Benn




尺寸33 × 25 cm


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