作者 Nicholas Forder(尼古拉斯·福德) 著;John Woodward(约翰·伍德沃德);Stephen Moss(斯蒂芬·莫斯)
出版社 Silver Dolphin Books
出版时间 2010-10
版次 1
ISBN 9781607100270
定价 171.00元
装帧 精装
开本 16开
纸张 胶版纸
页数 29页
There's lots of buzz when it comes to bugs, especially ifyou're a kid. From smelly stinkbugs to beautiful butterflies, youngreaders can explore the amazing world of insects in Viewfinder:Insects. Innovative interactive elements, like a removablemagnifier, give curious kids the chance to examine insects upclose. Learning becomes fun as kids use flaps and slider panels toexplore the details of featured insects. To top it all off, spreadsfeature large, colorful illustrations, photos, and fascinatingfacts to keep kids engaged for hours.
John Woodward is a published author and an editor ofchildren's books and young adult books. Some of the publishedcredits of John Woodward include Men And Masculinity (OpposingViewpoints), What Lives on Other Animals? (What Lives), ClimateChange (DK Eyewitness Books).