前言 preface 实验1 电路元件伏安特的测量 experiment 1 measurement of volt-ampere characteristics of circuit elements 实验2 电位、电压的测量,基尔霍夫定律和叠加、齐次 experiment 2 measurement of potential and voltage, kirchhoff’s laws, additivity and homogeneity of linear circuits 实验3 受控源的研究 experiment 3 study of controlled sources 实验4 电压源、电流源及其等效变换 experiment 4 verification of voltage source, current source and their equivalent transformation 实验5 戴维南定理和诺顿定理的验证 experiment 5 verification of thevenins theorem and nortons theorems 实验6 互易定理的验证 experiment 6 verification of the reciprocity theorem 实验7 r、l、c元件与高通、低通、带通滤波器的频率特 experiment 7 frequency characteristics of r, l, c, the high-pass filter, the low-pass filter and the band-pass filter 实验8 典型电信号观测与rc一阶电路响应的研究 experiment 8 observation of typical electric signals and responses of first-order rc circuits response 实验9 二阶动态电路响应的研究 experiment 9 second-order circuit responses 实验10 rc选频网络特测试 experiment 10 testing selectivity characteristic of rc work 实验11 使用交流仪表测定交流电路等效参数 experiment 11 measure equivalent parameters of ac circuit with ac instruments 实验12 正弦稳态交流电路相量的研究 experiment 12 study of the phasors in a sinusoidal steady-state ac circuit 实验13 优选功率传输条件的研究 experiment 13 study of mamum power transfer condition 实验14 互感电路的研究 experiment 14 study of mutual inductance circuit 实验15 r、l、c串联谐振电路的研究 experiment 15 study of series r, l, c resonant circuit 实验16 三相电路电压、电流与有功功率的测量 experiment 16 measurement of voltage, current and active power of three-phase circuits 实验17 三相电路相序与无功功率的测量 experiment 17 measurement of phase sequence and reactive power of a three-phase circuit 实验18 二端网络的研究 experiment 18 study of two-port circuits 实验19 裂相电路的研究 experiment 19 study of splitting phase circuit 实验20 负阻抗变换器 experiment 20 impedance converter 实验21 回转器特测试 experiment 21 testing of characteristics of gyrator 实验22 单相变压器特测试 experiment 22 testing of characteristics of single-phase transformer 实验23 三相异步电动机点动与自锁控制 experiment 23 jog and self-locking control of three-phase asynchronous motor 实验24 三相异步电动机正反转的控制 experiment 24 itive and reverse rotating control of three-phase asynchronous motor 实验25 三相笼型异步电动机降压启动的控制 experiment 25 step-down startup control of three-phase squirrel-cage asynchronous motor 实验26 三相异步电动机能耗制动 experiment 26 energy consumption braking of three-phase asynchronous motor 参书目 bibliography