内容:Another blistering collection of eye-popping visual energy to complement the bestselling Kustom GraphicsWith all new art and plenty of new artists, and burlesque. Kustom Graphics contributors Jorge Alderete and Sol Rac are back with new work. The vibrant California scene—surfing, hot rods, and much more—is represented by L.A.'s Kalynn Campbell, Jason Cruz, and Max Grundy; Damien Fulton from El Segundo; David Lozeau from Carlsbad; and Marco Almera and Rob Kruse. Cheesecake pin-up artist Andrew Bawidamann represents the Midwest via Columbus, Ohio, and Dan Picasso illustrates in a 1940s pulp style from Marathon, Texas. Canadian artists include Ontario's Jeff Norwell and Calgary's Mark Dulmadge. International artists include Europeans Harry Brack, Franke, Thorsten Hasenkamm, Claudia Hek, Angelique Houtkamp, Erik Kriek, Mighty Sam, Alex Patrocinio, and Jeffrey Warlich as well as Simon Watts from Australia.