1 糟糕的家庭作业 The awful homework 2 让人着迷的书 A fascinating book 3 出故障的汽车 The broken-down car. 4 会走路的箱子 The suitcase could be able to walk! 5 孩子打架袁家长争执 The kids are fighting and the parents are quarreling 6 哇浴海豹和一个人很像 Wow! The seal looks like someone. 7 神枪手 A sharp shooter 8 巧妙的生发术 A wonderful hair regrowth method 9 图画的局限 The shortcoming of the picture. 10 锻炼成名手 Take exercise to be a famous player 11 家中游艺演出 An amusement show in the home 12 哄儿入睡 The dad lulls the son to sleep 13 好榜样 A good example 14 前长后短的发型 The strange hairstyle 15 忘加葡萄干的蛋糕 The cake without raisins in it 16 离家出走的儿子 The son runs away from home 17 为了安慰儿子袁宁愿当马 In order to comfort the son, the dad would rather to act like a horse 18 报复 The son爷s revenge 19 小兔子送来的彩蛋 The Easter eggs are sent by the Easter bunny 20 挑战失败 The son fails to challenge his dad 21 四张儿童票 Four children tickets 22 补看球赛 Repeat the football match 23 鱼儿来信 A letter from the fish …… 195 告别 Good-bye