4德拉克马(希腊语τετράδραχμον,英语Tetradrachm)是希腊银币的主要衡量单位,以亚历山大在小亚细亚打制的4 德拉克马大力神和宙斯图案银币最为著名,又称亚历山大生前币。马其顿帝国公元前324-320年发行,正面大力神赫拉克勒斯(H e r a k l e s) 狮皮盔头侧像;背面手托雄鹰,持权杖的宙斯坐像,右侧王名“АΛΕΣΑΝΔΡΟY”(亚历山大的)。亚历山大去世后,由摄政王佩尔狄卡斯(Perdiccas)打制的4 德拉克马银币图案和生前币基本相同,公元前323 年—公元前320 年发行。币文改为“ВАΣIΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΣΑΝΔΡΟY”(亚历山大国王),又称亚历山大生后币。
Herakles and Zeus Macedonian Kingdom, Philip III and Alexander IV, 323-317 B.C.Silver drachm,VF, attractive style, Troas, Abydus mint, weight 16.6g, maximum diameter 26mm obverse Herakles' head right, clad in Nemean lion scalp headdress tied at neck; reverseΦΨΛΙΓΓΟΥ, Zeus seated left on throne, right leg drawn back, eagle in extended right, long scepter vertical behind in left, horse leg left, Ξ under throne; ex Nemesis; Herakles is the son of the divine Zeus and mortal Alcemene who was cursed by the jealous Hera to murder his entire family. He then had to overcome twelve labors given to him by King Eurystheus to repent for the atrocity. The first labor (defeating the Nemean Lion) is portrayed on the obverse of this coin. Zeus is the main king of the Olympians ruling over the realm of man. He is known to be a notorious womanizer having affairs with several divine and mortal women, which constantly makes his wife Hera extremely jealous. He is associated with lightning and the eagle (as shown on the reverse of this coin) among other symbols.
以下是欧洲某拍卖会三神版的参考 Herakles plus Zeus Aetophoros accompanied by Helios Herakles on the obverse with Zeus seated with his eagle (Zeus Aetophoros) on the reverse was the standard reverse typology of Alexander the Great and his immediate successors (the Diadochi). On this coin of Babylon the image of Zeus Aetophoros is accompanied by an image of Helios in the left field. Three gods for the price of one.
公司博客(域名liubing)和网站(域名estlune)都无需注册,随便参观。公司网站有日文和中文版,不是谷歌自动翻译的低级网站,中日文版互不冲突,都是我自己写的提要。毫不谦虚的说,在古希腊银币(Greek Coins)和情色艺术(CURIOSA and Erotic art)收藏方面,敝人和敝公司都是亚洲首屈一指的,这方面再谦虚太侮辱自己,所以实话实说。