作者: Ron Roy (罗恩·罗伊) 著 ; John Steven Gurney (约翰·史提芬·格尼) 绘 出版社: Random House US 出版时间: 1998-06 版次: 1 ISBN: 9780679890546 定价: 37.20 装帧: 平装 开本: 32开 纸张: 胶版纸 页数: 96页 正文语种: 英语 丛书: A to Z Mysteries 内容简介: Dinkkeepsgettingenvelopesinthemailaddressedto"D.Duncan."Butthelettersinsideallstartwith"DearDoris"anddon'tmakeanysense!JoshandRuthRosethinksomeone'splayingatrickonDink.ButDinkissurethere'smoretoitthanthat,especiallyafterDorisherselfshowsupanddemandsherletters!
作者简介: Ron Roy is the author of the popular A to Z Mysteries series, as well as the Capital Mysteries series, and several picture books. He lives in Connecticut.