目录 前言 Introduction 1. The Issue of the Other and Coetzees Novels 2. Critical Review of the Other in Coetzees Novels 3. Research Ideas and Framework of the Book Chapter I Waiting for the Barbarians : the Marginalized Other in the Era of Colonial Hegemony 1. Era of Colonial Hegemony 2. The Other in the Era of Colonial Hegemony 3. Speculations of the Marginalized Other Chapter II Life & Times of Michel K : the Silent Other in Post-Christian Era 1. The Other in the Post-Christian Society of Violence 2. Silence of the Other in the Troublous Era 3. Reflections from the Silent Other Chapter III Disgrace. the Subverted Other in the Post-apartheid Era 1. White/black Relationship in the Post-apartheid Era 2. The Subverted Other in Disgrace 3. Reflections on the Subversion of Dominant Discourse Chapter IV Elizabeth Costello Eight Lessons:the Differential Other in Postmodernist Context 1. Coetzees Differential Writing in Postmodernist Context 2. The Differential Other in Elizabeth Costello. Eight Lessons 3. Reflections on the Differential Other and Otherness Conclusion Works Cited 附录: 1.石云龙库切研究系列论文 他者·他性——库切研究 约·麦·库切——为他者化的他者代言 《凶年纪事》:独特的后现代复调小说 后种族隔离时代的颠覆他者——对库切《耻》的研究 后基督时代的沉默他者——评论《迈克尔·K的生活与时代》 《夏日》:后现代另类“他传”小说 论J.M.库切的小说创作 2.2003年诺贝尔文学奖新闻发布会上的讲话 3.2003年诺贝尔文学奖颁奖词 4.他与他的人——库切诺贝尔文学奖获奖演说辞 5.库切作品列表 6.库切大事年表 7.国内外主要库切研究成果列表 学术著作 博士论文 期刊论文 后记