斯蒂芬?P. 罗宾斯(Stephen P. Robbins)美国圣迭戈州立大学荣誉退休教授,管理学与组织行为学领域全球最畅销教材的作者,其著作在全美超过1000家大学中广泛使用,并被翻译为19种语言。罗宾斯博士长期从事管理学和组织行为学研究,他撰写的教科书中最著名的有《管理学》《组织行为学》《组织行为学精要》《人际技能培训》等。
Part 1 Introduction to Management 2
Chapter 1: Managers and You in the Workplace 2
Who Are Managers and Where Do They Work? 4 Why Are Managers Important? 7
What Do Managers Do? 8
How Is the Manager’s Job Changing? 13 Why Study Management? 17
Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 21
Preparing for: My Career 23
Case Application 1: The Power of Social Media 24 Case Application 2: Who Needs a Boss? 25
Management History Module 30
Early Management 30
Classical Approach 32
Behavioral Approach 35
Quantitative Approach 37
Contemporary Approaches 39
Chapter 2: Making Decisions 44
The Decision-Making Process 45 Approaches to Decision Making 50
Types of Decisions and Decision-Making Conditions 53 Decision-Making Biases and Errors 58
Effective Decision Making in Today’s World 62
Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 65 Preparing for: My Career 67
Case Application 1: Where to Locate Next? 69 Case Application 2: The Business of Baseball 69
Part 1: Management Practice 74
A Manager’s Dilemma 74 Global Sense 74
Continuing Case: Starbucks—Introduction 74
Part 2 Basics of Managing in Today’s Workplace 78
Chapter 3: Managing the External Environment and the Organization’s Culture 78
The Manager: Omnipotent or Symbolic? 80
The External Environment: Constraints and Challenges 81 Organizational Culture: Constraints and Challenges 87 Current Issues in Organizational Culture 97
Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 99
Preparing for: My Career 100
Case Application 1: Freedom and Responsibility at Netflix 102 Case Application 2: Not Sold Out 103
Chapter 4: Managing in a Global Environment 108
Who Owns What? 110
What’s Your Global Perspective? 111 Understanding the Global Trade Environment 112 Doing Business Globally 118
Managing in a Global Environment 120
Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 128 Preparing for: My Career 130
Case Application 1: Dirty Little Secret 132
Case Application 2: The Power of Presence 133
Answers to “Who Owns What” Quiz 134
Chapter 5: Managing Diversity 138
Diversity 101 140
The Changing Workplace 144 Types of Workplace Diversity 147
Challenges in Managing Diversity 156 Workplace Diversity Initiatives 159 Preparing for: Exam/Quizzes 162 Preparing for: My Career 164
Case Application 1: From Top to Bottom 166
Contents xi
Case Application 2: The Challenge of Toys for Girls 167
Chapter 6: Managing Social Responsibility and Ethics 172
What Is Social Responsibility? 174
Green Management and Sustainability 177 Managers and Ethical Behavior 180 Encouraging Ethical Behavior 185
Social Responsibility and Ethics Issues in Today’s World 191
Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 196 Preparing for: My Career 198
Case Application 1: A Better Tomorrow 199
Case Application 2: Defeating the System: Ethics at Volkswagen 200
Chapter 7: Managing Change and Disruptive Innovation 206
The Case for Change 208 The Change Process 210 Areas of Change 213 Managing Change 216
Contemporary Issues in Managing Change 219 Stimulating Innovation 226
Disruptive Innovation 231 Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 235 Preparing for: My Career 237
Case Application 1: In Search of the Next Big Thing 239 Case Application 2: The iPhone: A Technology Disruptor 240
Part 2: Management Practice 246
A Manager’s Dilemma 246 Global Sense 246
Continuing Case: Starbucks—Basics of Managing in Today’s Workplace 246
Part 3 Planning 252
Chapter 8: Planning Work Activities 252
The What and Why of Planning 254 Goals and Plans 255
Setting Goals and Developing Plans 258 Contemporary Issues in Planning 264 Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 268
Preparing for: My Career 270
Case Application 1: Planning for Holiday Shipping at FedEx 272 Case Application 2: Shifting Direction 273
Chapter 9: Managing Strategy 276
Strategic Management 278
The Strategic Management Process 280 Corporate Strategies 283
Competitive Strategies 287
Current Strategic Management Issues 291
Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 296 Preparing for: My Career 298
Case Application 1: Fast Fashion 300
Case Application 2: A Simple Strategy at Costco 301
Chapter 10: Entrepreneurial Ventures 306
The Context of Entrepreneurship 307 Start-Up and Planning Issues 312 Organizing Issues 321
Leading Issues 326
Control Issues 329
Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 333 Preparing for: My Career 335
Six Elements of Organizational Design 347 Mechanistic and Organic Structures 356 Contingency Factors Affecting Structural Choice 357 Traditional Organizational Design Options 359
Organizing for Flexibility in the Twenty-First Century 360
Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 368 Preparing for: My Career 370
Case Application 1: A New Kind of Structure 372 Case Application 2: Organizational Volunteers 373
Chapter 12: Managing Human Resources 378
Why Human Resource Management Is Important and the Human Resource Management Process 380 External Factors that Affect the Human Resource Management Process 382
Identifying and Selecting Competent Employees 386
Providing Employees with Needed Skills and Knowledge 393 Retaining Competent, High-Performing Employees 396 Contemporary Issues in Managing Human Resources 400 Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 403
Preparing for: My Career 405
Case Application 1: Hiring Right at the Mayo Clinic 407 Case Application 2: Stopping Traffic 409
Chapter 13: Creating and Managing Teams 416
Groups and Group Development 418
Work Group Performance and Satisfaction 420 Turning Groups into Effective Teams 428 Current Challenges in Managing Teams 434 Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 437
Preparing for: My Career 439
Case Application 1: Who Needs a Manager? 440 Case Application 2: 737 Teaming Up for Takeoff 441
Part 4: Management Practice 446
A Manager’s Dilemma 446 Global Sense 446
Continuing Case: Starbucks—Organizing 446
Part 5 Leading 450
Chapter 14: Managing Communication 450
The Nature and Function of Communication 451
Methods and Challenges of Interpersonal Communication 453 Effective Organizational Communication 461
Communication in the Internet and Social Media Age 465
Communication Issues in Today’s Organizations 468 Becoming a Better Communicator 472
Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 473
Preparing for: My Career 475
Case Application 1: Is Anytime Feedback Too Much? 477 Case Application 2: Delivery Disaster 478
Chapter 15: Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior 482
Focus and Goals of Organizational Behavior 484 Attitudes and Job Performance 485
Personality 491
Perception 501
Learning 504
Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 506 Preparing for: My Career 508
Case Application 1: Great Place to Work 510
Case Application 2: Putting Customers Second 511
Chapter 16: Motivating Employees 518
What Is Motivation? 519
Early Theories of Motivation 520 Contemporary Theories of Motivation 524 Current Issues in Motivation 535 Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 542 Preparing for: My Career 544
Case Application 1: Passion for the Outdoors and for People 546 Case Application 2: Best Practices at Best Buy 547
Chapter 17: Being an Effective Leader 554
Who Are Leaders and What Is Leadership? 555 Early Leadership Theories 556
Contingency Theories of Leadership 559 Contemporary Views of Leadership 564 Leadership Issues in the Twenty-First Century 569 Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 576
Preparing for: My Career 578
Case Application 1: Growing Leaders 580
Case Application 2: Leadership Development at L’Oréal 581
Part 5: Management Practice 588
A Manager’s Dilemma 588 Global Sense 589
Continuing Case: Starbucks—Leading 590
Part 6 Controlling 594
Chapter 18: Monitoring and Controlling 594
What Is Controlling and Why Is It Important? 596 The Control Process 597
Controlling for Organizational and Employee Performance 601
Tools for Measuring Organizational Performance 606 Contemporary Issues in Control 611
Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 619
Preparing for: My Career 621
Case Application 1: The Challenge of “Healthy” Fast-Food 622 Case Application 2: Bring Your Own Device 623
Planning and Control Techniques Module 628
Techniques for Assessing the Environment 628 Techniques for Allocating Resources 633 Contemporary Planning and Control Techniques 640
Managing Operations Module 646
The Role of Operations Management 647
What Is Value Chain Management and Why Is It Important? 649 What Is Value Chain Management? 650
Managing Operations Using Value Chain Management 651