Hearts and Hands / 心与手 1 Witches’ Loaves / 女巫的面包 4 The Cop and the Anthem / 警察与赞美诗 9 The Gift of the Magi / 麦琪的礼物 17 The Romance of a Busy Broker / 忙碌经纪人的浪漫史 24 The Mammon and the Archer / 财神与爱神 29 The Love-Philtre of Ikey Schoenstein / 埃基?舍恩斯坦的媚药 37 The Last Leaf / 最后一片叶子 43 The Exact Science of Matrimony / 精确婚姻学 51 The Furnished Room / 带家具出租的房间 59 Springtime A La Carte / 菜单上的春天 67 A Service of Love / 爱的奉献 74 A Double-Dyed Deceiver / 双料骗子 81 The Lotus and the Bottle / 莲与瓶 94 A Lickpenny Lover / 吝啬的情人 106 Memoirs of a Yellow Dog / 黄狗回忆录 113 The Count and the Wedding Guest / 伯爵和婚礼来客 119 While the Auto Waits / 当汽车等着的时候 127 Telemachus, Friend / 生死之交 133 Between Rounds / 回合之间 142 An Unfinished Story / 未了情 149 Skylight Room / 天窗屋 157 Confessions of a Humorist / 幽默作家的自白 165 Jeff Peters as a Personal Magnet / 催眠师杰夫?彼得斯 176 The Roads We Take / 我们选择的道路 184 The Marionettes / 提线木偶 190 Conscience in Art / 艺术良心 205 Let Me Feel Your Pulse / 让我摸摸你的脉搏 213 The Red Roses of Tonia / 托妮亚的红玫瑰 228 The Hand that Riles the World / 混世魔手 239 The Pendulum / 钟摆 246 By Courier / 爱情信使 252 After Twenty Years / 二十年后 257 A Retrieved Reformation / 浪子回头 261 The Princess and the Puma / 公主与美洲狮 271 The Ransom of Red Chief / 红酋长的赎金 279 The Passing of Black Eagle / 飞逝的黑鹰 292 Roads of Destiny / 命运之路 305