作者 Paul Dowswell(保罗·道斯韦尔) 著;Gary(加里·比内斯)、David Hancock(大卫·汉考克) 绘
出版社 Usborne Publishing
出版时间 2010-07
版次 1
ISBN 9781409514312
定价 125.60元
装帧 精装
开本 其他
纸张 胶版纸
页数 64页
正文语种 英语
丛书 First Encyclopedias
An ideal book for children with lots of questions about the Solar System and the Universe such as 'What are stars made of?' 'Why does the moon shine?' and 'What do astronauts wear? This charming encyclopedia is full of simple, easy-to-read text and lively, detailed illustrations, introducing young readers to the basic concepts of space.