基本信息 书名:环境科学与工程专业英语 定价:48.00元 作者:王黎 出版社:中国石化出版社有限公司 出版日期:2012-09-01 ISBN:9787511415875 字数:597000 页码:380 版次: 装帧:平装 开本:12开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 《普通高等教育"十二五"规划教材:环境科学与工程专业英语》内容全面涵盖了环境科学与工程的相关领域理论、技术与应用的进展。教材编写秉承系统性、完整性和循序渐进的原则,由浅入深、由表及里的原则。《普通高等教育"十二五"规划教材:环境科学与工程专业英语》可作为高等院校高年级本、专科生环境科学与工程专业英语教材,也可供研究生、科研人员和相关工程技术人员参考使用。 内容提要 《普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材:环境科学与工程专业英语》是普通高校环境科学和工程专业英语“十二五”规划教材。全书共分为10部分30个单元,每个单元又分为课文和辅助材料两个部分,课文部分为精读材料,辅助部分为泛读材料,并且每5个单元后安排了专业英语读写技巧发展的内容,旨在发展学生环境科学与工程专业英语的使用能力与技巧。技巧发展和附录介绍了与环境科学和工程相关方面的科技词汇的扩展、复杂句子的阅读、论文和设计说明书英文摘要的写作、产品说明书的写作与翻译、参加国际会议的准备与写作、化学元素周期表、环境监测常用仪器设备、环境工程主要设备、练习题参考答案等。教材内容全面涵盖了环境科学与工程的相关领域理论、技术与应用的进展。教材编写秉承系统性、完整性和循序渐进的原则,由浅入深、由表及里的原则。《普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材:环境科学与工程专业英语》可作为高等院校高年级本、专科生环境科学与工程专业英语教材,也可供研究生、科研人员和相关工程技术人员参考使用。 目录 PART 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ANDENGINEERINGUnit 1Text General Introduction to Environmental Science and EngineeringⅠSupplementary Reading General Introduction to Environmental Scienceand Engineering ⅡUnit 2Text Future Directio of Environmental EngineeringSupplementary Reading Sustainable DevelopmentPART 2 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORINGUnit 3Text Water Sampling: Field Equipment and TechniquesSupplementary Reading Monitoring ParameteUnit 4Text Design of Environmental Monitoring ProgramsSupplementary Reading Sampling TechniquesUnit 5Text Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry MonitoringSupplementary Reading Monitoring of Gas ChromatographySkill Development 1 EST (English of Science and Technology) WordFeatures and Tra lating SkillsUnit 6Text Important Paramete in Water MonitoringSupplementary Reading Other Important Paramete in WaterMonitoringPART 3 AIR POLLUTION AND CONTROL TECHNOLOGIESUnit 7Text Air Pollution ⅠSupplementary Reading Health Effects Caused by Air PollutioUnit 8Text Air Pollution ⅡSupplementary Reading Acid RaiUnit 9Text Air Pollution Treatment ⅠSupplementary Reading Air Pollution Treatment ⅡUnit 10Text Flue Gas Desulfurization TechnologiesSupplementary Reading Regional Air Impact Modeling Initiative(RAIMI) System Treatment of Air PollutioSkill Development 2 The Tra lation of Difficult and ComplexSentencesPART 4 WATER POLLUTION AND WASTEWATER TREATMENTUnit 11Text Water PollutioSupplementary Reading Control of Water PollutioUnit 12Text Dissolved Oxygen in WaterSupplementary Reading Water Environmental Monitoring DesigUnit 13Text Water Treatment ProcessesSupplementary Reading Activated Carbon FiltratioUnit 14Text Principles of Wastewater TreatmentSupplementary Reading Advanced Wastewater TreatmentUnit 15Text Biological Wastewater TreatmentSupplementary Reading Co tructed WetlandsSkill Development 3 The Basic Co truction and Abstract Writing ofScientific PaperPART 5 SOLID WASTES AND DISPOSALUnit 16Text Sources and Types of Solid WastesSupplementary Reading Solid Waste ManagementUnit 17Text Methods of Waste DisposalSupplementary Reading Solid Waste RecyclingUnit 18Text Disposal of Solid WasteSupplementary Reading Disposal of Solid Wastes: IncineratioUnit 19Text Aerobic Processing--CompostingSupplementary Reading Aerobic Treatment of SludgeUnit 20Text Anaerobic Digestion for Solid WasteSupplementary Reading Digestate Solid Waste by AnaerobicTreatmentSkill Development 4 Writing and Tra lation Method of EnvironmentalProduct IntroductioPART 6 OTHER POLLUTION AND REMEDIATIONUnit 21Text Soil PollutioSupplementary Reading Control of Soil PollutioUnit 22Text Soil Pollution Treatment-In-situ Methods ⅠSupplementary Reading Soil Pollution Treatment-In-situ MethodsⅡUnit 23Text Noise Pollution and its ControlSupplementary Reading Thermal Pollution and SolutioUnit 24Text Nuclear Waste and its ControlSupplementary Reading Remediation of Nuclear AccidentsPART 7 ENVIRONMENTAL ECOLOGYUnit 25Text Environmental Ecological Development and HumanActivitiesSupplementary Reading Remediation of Ecological AccidentsSkill Development 5 Writing and Tra lation of Introduction toEnvironmental Engineering DesigUnit 26Text Ecological Remediation and RestoratioSupplementary Reading Natural Zeolitic Materials and EnvironmentalRemediatioPART 8 GREEN ENERGYUnit 27Text Clean Energy: Solar Energy and Wind PowerSupplementary Reading Solar TechnologiesPART 9 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND ASSESSMENTUnit 28Text Environmental Impact AssessmentSupplementary Reading Time for a New Approach to PublicPARTicipation in EA: Promoting Cooperation and Co e us forSustainabilityUnit 29Text Life Cycle AssessmentSupplementary Reading LCA of Food ProductsPART 10 ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENTUnit 30Text Environmental PlanningSupplementary Reading Managing Human-EnvironmentSkill Development 6 Preparation of a Paper and Report inInternational Environment ConferenceAppendix 1 The Periodic Table of Elements and Pronunciation ofChemical Elements(附录1 元素周期表与化学元素读音)Appendix 2 Expression of Environmental Priority Pollutants(附录2 环境优先污染物的英文表述)Appendix 3 Environmental Monitoring I truments(附录3 环境监测常用仪器设备)Appendix 4 Major Equipments in Environmental Engineering(附录4 环境工程主要设备)Appendix 5 A we of Exercises(附录5 练习题参考答案) 作者介绍